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5 Pawns delisted by Cloud 9 after tests show record levels of Diacetyl

Wow. And there are numerous other examples of juices with AP levels greater than 130 on the Vaporshark site by other manufacturers. What's good for the goose and all that ...

And the decision appears (in some part at least) to be based on Five Pawns’ own closely guarded secret proprietary 8-9 month barrel-aged figures.

You know, the ones they released themselves to assuage customer concerns about scurrilous ‘fraudulent’ stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mod hat off, member hat on.
You know what I find really strange through, (and I'm just saying this as a conversation point and nothing more) I can't for the life of me understand why Cloud9 vaping have taken their post down and state they are taking legal advice.

Surely, surely any vendor, particularly one with the experience Cloud9 has would know how explosive news like this would be in the vaping world and anticipate that 5P would take legal action?

If it was me in that scenario, I would have checked and rechecked my findings, had the wording thoroughly checked out legally, and got my ducks in a row, especially if I knew that I was going up against a major player with such deep pockets. If I couldn't afford to do this, then I would have done exactly what they did initially and refuse to stock their products.

I can only conclude that cloud9 were doing this from the right place in their hearts and informing vapers of the danger they think they've found. Unfortunately, by posting something up and then taking it down again on has simply created confusion. It also probably disengaged a lot of vapers on the subject of what's in their liquids, cos feck it now nobody trusts anyones results anyway.

I worry that this will have unintended consequences, and it's the vendors that are doing it right by investing in good equipment and processes that will get the shitty end of the stick when all this settles. Their investment may not provide some vapers with the reassurance they are looking for anymore, wiping out any market incentive to raise standards generally and gives band wagoners another foot in the door.

I also hope I'm completely wrong and I'm just in a bad mood.


I think they actually made a smart move, anticipating the law ... got enough word out to fck the lieing bastards up while still jumping though the hoops of the law and removing.
I bet big pharma and tobacco are sitting back and loving this infighting.....

Fucking hell.....
I bet big pharma and tobacco are sitting back and loving this infighting.....

Fucking hell.....

can see where your coming from but what are we supposed to do? shut up for the fear of loading another bullet into big p and b ts gun. a gun that in my eyes is pretty much already loaded and aimed anyway.
Reading this thread while vaping my Grandmaster clone. Probably the best liquid I've ever made. Maybe I should get it tested. Is it as good as the original - I don't fucking know as I ain't paying £25 for 30ml. Seriously e liquid is like fine wine - there's a lot of bullshit out there,
can see where your coming from but what are we supposed to do? shut up for the fear of loading another bullet into big p and b ts gun. a gun that in my eyes is pretty much already loaded and aimed anyway.

I agree, however, they need to communicate and manage the situation. By all accounts 5P have known about this situation for months and have 'chosen' to do fuck all about it, at a time they could have managed the situation better. They are now coming across as arrogant with there Cease and desist to c9v

Obviously the blame sits with 5P as its there product and if they havent tested it (which beggars belief) then at best there stupid, at worse, irresponsible. But all the noise coming from this is that they were at least given a 'heads up' about the clusterfuck that was about to be coming there way.

Although i dont hold c9v responsible in anyway, i do think that maybe just delisting there juices and saying "we have concerns with this juice" without publishing any of the reasons why would have been a better way of dealing with there concern. The problem is, c9v have done what i would say is the 'right thing' and now have this shit to deal with. If c9v had done it this way, the internet would have found out why c9v had just suddenly delisted there lines, and rumour and discussions would have had this story outed.

The fact that it would seem as though they have had some sort of 'plan' to deal with this (a few of us were told at the ecig expo that there juices mimic DA although they dont contain them) at least shows that they were gonna push this line.

Personally, if it was a juice i vaped, i would continue to do so, as not unlike what u8myufo has mentioned its still safer by a large margin then a marlboro. However, the arrogance of this company and how they are dealing with this is just plain stupid and reflects poorly on them
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Scratched record on, fizzle, hiss, pop :

Make your own assessment of risk, make your own decision based on that assessment and take responsibility for your decision.

If you don't feel 'safe' using a particular product then don't use it. Take your custom elsewhere and use something you do feel 'safe' with.

It's kind of weird that folk can get so worked up about a certain liquid/manufacturer that might have the potential for 'harm', when the vast majority of us continued to use combusted tobacco for years despite knowing the attached risks.


Another stylus buggered.
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