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5 Pawns delisted by Cloud 9 after tests show record levels of Diacetyl

The thing that strikes me is that FP's own results are still crap, just less crap.
I'm cynical enough to suspect they've published the very best results they could, and I'm equally sure they've done many, many tests on their own juice.

Then they go on to say that though their juice is safe and AP is made out of angels tears and not the evil poison we've been told, soon they'll be launching a really jolly, jolly safe liquid.

Sounds ever so slightly like utter bollocks from where I'm sitting.
Sounds ever so slightly like utter bollocks from where I'm sitting.

Castle Long ain`t tasting bollocks from where I am though :DAs I mentioned yesterday, I spent 40 years smoking around 30 a day,I spent 30 years of my life driving excavators,I have done that in confined places with deisel fumes spewing out from all manner of equipment.I have driven D9 Bulldozers on contaminated ground breathing in all sorts of shit and dust into my lungs in scorching summer temperatures.Not to mention what I have consumed by standing around bonfires so far in my life,plus what gets churned out still from a lot of vehicles on the road.I remember once as a teenager on the farm,I was in a small out house where the bulk milk tank was situated.From memory chlorine was used for cleaning the tank out and sulphuric acid was used once a week for cleaning down the stone floor.Being a cunt I thought I wonder what will happen if I mix the two.I soon fucking found out when I was engulfed in a fucking mushroom cloud the size of Hiroshima :( And I am supposed to be fucking worried about a touch of diacetyl? I guess long term inhalation of it may prove to have effects in some cases, but that is still only an assumption.

Correct me if I am wrong which is quite often,but looking up Popcorn Lung,here is what stands out to me no matter which page I take an extract from.

In rare instances, bronchiolitis obliterans may be caused by inhalation of airborne diacetyl.

And that inhalation of this flavoring likely contributed to the development of the illness.

Because the symptoms are so similar to tobacco-related COPD as well as asthma, the diagnosis may be difficult to make without a high level of suspision.

One cause of bronchiolitis obliterans is believed to be the inhalation of airborne ‘diacetyl’, a chemical used to make butter-like flavouring in microwaveable popcorn – giving rise to the term 'popcorn lung'.

Too many if`s, but`s, and fucking maybe`s for me to worry about.
Your going to be on your own there, Rich. But then 5 Pawns won't exist by the end of summer.

That's a great episode. He hits them as hard as it's possible to hit and I applaud it. Wholeheartedly. Without reservation. Loved the Game of thrones "shame" sequence.

As a separate point, however, it does raise other related questions outside of 5 Pawns, involving manufacturers and vapers themselves, to my mind. Such as:

1. This AP stuff is being used by most (all?) juice makers who offer custardy/creamy juices and in currently unknown quantities for a lot of them. Shouldn't there be an immediate ban - self imposed by the industry - on using this stuff in any quantity? I mean the guy in the podcast talks about the acceptable limit of AP being 5 parts per billion, so much as that has been smashed by 5 Pawns, it is going to be exceeded heavily by anyone adding it to their juices, no?

2. Do/should vapers bear some of the responsibility for this situation by condoning the use of AP through vaping custardy/creamy juices? We know this AP shit has risks. Why do we trust that juice makers will only add safe levels of it to juices? Shouldn't we all refuse to buy anything with any level of AP in it, so the message gets across that we won't stand for known-risk chemicals being added to our juices?
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How to fuck up your own business, sponsored by the weed smoking surfers running Five Pawns.

I don't care about the contents of the juice. Sure, it's something all companies ought to be working to remove, especially at those levels...but it's the lies and legal action that damn them in my book - like Ameravape before them.

I think, as stuff dribbles out, that Keith and Lisa actually come out of this looking quite good, and that's not a position I held initially. Good on them. I'm not a fan of the outing of companies but if the stories are to be believed they were left with little choice.

But I'd describe 5P as wanky Cali hipsters, I have a soft spot for doped-up surfers. I mean, Point Break, how awesome is that film?
I'm with u8myufo on this. The risks of vaping diacetyl are not known, they're guessing and they're being nanny state about it.
These attempts at voluntary self-regulation are ass-wipe, just a prelude to establishing credibility in a mock-caring, "think of the children" way.

It's neither sustainable nor credible for stores like VS and C9V to conduct testing and then become self-appointed judges and executioners. There's no transparency if the juice maker is out of the loop and the science is still pseudo-science.

Centralised regulation is inevitable and the cost of it will drive a lot of small juice makers out of business. Mostly because it'll be the big juice makers who are running the regulatory bodies like ECITA and AEMSA. Anything like an ISO standard will takes years and years to formulate and agree and even then the Yanks will probably consider themselves above International Standards and adopt their own - then where are we?

Even when the protocols have been established there will still be ongoing arguments and issues arising from whether they are the correct protocols and proportionate to the REAL risk.

This entire debacle is sabre rattling for CONTROL. There's money to be made here.
That's a great episode. He hits them as hard as it's possible to hit and I applaud it. Wholeheartedly. Without reservation. Loved the Game of thrones "shame" sequence.

As a separate point, however, it does raise other related questions outside of 5 Pawns, involving manufacturers and vapers themselves, to my mind. Such as:

1. This AP stuff is being used by most (all?) juice makers who offer custardy/creamy juices and in currently unknown quantities for a lot of them. Shouldn't there be an immediate ban - self imposed by the industry - on using this stuff in any quantity? I mean the guy in the podcast talks about the acceptable limit of AP being 5 parts per billion, so much as that has been smashed by 5 Pawns, it is going to be exceeded heavily by anyone adding it to their juices, no?

2. Do/should vapers bear some of the responsibility for this situation by condoning the use of AP through vaping custardy/creamy juices? We know this AP shit has risks. Why do we trust that juice makers will only add safe levels of it to juices? Shouldn't we all refuse to buy anything with any level of AP in it, so the message gets across that we won't stand for known-risk chemicals being added to our juices?

Not all custard or cream juices have bad levels of AP in them - making clean juice is totally possible.
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