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A little advice please? TC Eleaf GS and Pico clone


Aug 26, 2013
Hi all,

Been a while but am after a little advice. I currently use a Goblin Mini and Kayfun Lite clone (M-Vapes old style) and am happy. I m2l, dl just not my thing.

But I like shiny new things and thanks to @Rob have been looking at the Pico on FT :) I am thinking about getting the Rcomen pico-s one (although the colour is horrendous!) to try. But I discovered the Eleaf GS tank (not air) and that yuou can out Ni coils in it and it is apparently a good M2L tank with good flavour. I haven't tried TC as I was thinking it was more of a subohm direct lung thing. But I now have the tank and coils in my basket (I hate premade coils but it's cheap enough that I could try TC and see what I think). So I guess my question is does anyone M2L on TC? I don't like a huge restrictive draw (my KFL I have taken the screw out completely and find it a little tight especially compared to the Gmini as that has an airy draw even with af only open a little). I like both though for different reasons, although I think for flavour the G mini is better.

What's the flavour like on the Pico compared to the KFL? I was actually gonna to buy the new m-vapes kfl bell cap so need to choose between that and the Pico :) I like my KFL but after the goblin mini I want something more that size and my kfl feels huge now (I know I can get the bell cap kit for it but for the sake of a few pounds might as well get a whole tank and put this one away as a spare :) )

Any thoughts, opinions appreciated :)
I just happen, to have a TC setup in my Pico right now, so your post is well timed. It is tremendous! I have a 2.5 ni200 coil running at 0.12ohms at 18 watts on my TC Zero clone and it is working superbly well.
I only mtl so I am very impressed with how well the Pico is handling all this.

Comparisons to a KFL? Much more airflow on tap if that's your thing. I happen to be a big fan of KFL+ and I have to say that for me..... The Pico edges it on flavour. I have a regular Kanthal build in a KFL with the same liquid as the Pico and yes, today... The Pico has it, but as we all know, these things are subject to change.

I have yet to do what I'm really keen to try with The Pico.... a Mesh Build. It's been done, but I need to be feeling a lot braver than I do right now.:14: get it even "slightly" wrong and it could be expensive.

I'm not going to try and influence you, all I can tell you is how I find The Pico in general. Suffice to say, I'm well known around here for being a fan of the Calix RTA, I run them constantly, but the Pico hasn't been off a Mod from the day I got it! It's a very different beast so there are no comparisons to the Calix and Pico, but the Pico has edged my TilemahosV2 and Kayfuns out... for now.;)
Thanks @Rob. Am about to and get a Pico clone. I think I will read up a little TC and just build myself (I hate buying coils lol). Already decided against the Eleaf. I love my KFL so easy to build and a good vape, I love the Goblin Mini too, bitch to wick (but am getting there) but great flavour (on a single coil). Am still deciding about an aromamizer too, this month will be a Pico clone and will need a mod to go with it too :) Fastech has been great, long wait but nothing has got waylaid and it's always a nice surprise when something hits the mat.
I would go for the pico....if you buy one with the adapter you can also use the CLR (rebuildable) coils...a big plus in my book....I tried the GS tank but hated it
I also tried the GS tank. Worst tank I have ever used or tried to use. It looks good but that's where the positives end.
You'll find the Pico an absolute gem to work on. :2thumbsup:
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