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A tribute to Rip trippers .


Jun 27, 2020
Im pretty sure if you have ever gone on YouTube for a review for an ecig, an atty, a tank or a bottle of juice in the last 8 years you have stumbled across ripster the hipster with his iconic beard styles,his caps and his funky sunglasses .
I found him sometime in 2012 back then he was a different person back in the day, there was no Smoking is dead vaping is the future at the end of his reviews he was a different guy back then who said err alot , looking the floor as often as the camera , his Voice was monotone he used to review things like RY4 e liqiuid and cartomizers, a glass tube with bits of string hanging down (Silica).
If you was lucky you could pick one up that had a 1.8ohm coil inside, does anyone remember them? you could pick up a disposal for about £8.00.
Here,s Rip trippers doing his first review in 2012

Fast forward a couple of years and RIP discovered video editing im pretty sure he found Jim Careys Mask as well from that day his whole persona and personality and even his voice changed,he started to gesticulate ,He shone in front of the camera he found his confidence he transitioned ,Rip was reborn he become the best reviewer out there and he demanded a shit loads of cash do the reviews because he could and he was the best out there and he knew it !
His sponsors new he was the best and he got paid dam well .

For the last few months rip has been self help videos ,he quit vaping .
2 days ago he released another video some people want to tear him apart for his honesty if he can earned up to 100G from sponsorship Good luck to him.
RIPs Videos and reviews helped me quit and i wish the Guy well.

If you aint seen it ,here,s the video everyone in the vape community is talking about .

tenor (1).gif
"His sponsors new he was the best and he got paid dam well."

Somewhat of a contradiction that statement :)

He's helped loads of people stop the ciggies, but let's not pretend he was a reviewer. As Jai Haze said after this vid: he was a good marketeer.

You have a crappy pod mod and no one has ever heard of your company: get in touch with RIP and he'll tell over a million people this is the best pod mod he's tried. Course, you have to bung him the cash first.

That's not a slight, see also Unbox Therapy for tech gear. I have zero problem with people cashing out on Youtube. But let's not pretend he's been a 'reviewer' for at least a good few years now.
Anyone can do reviews i totally disagree with greedy bastards that charge for reviews. I never liked Rip stupid beards stupid hair stupid hipster. stupid charachter. Give me indoor smokers or Bogan, at least their reviews are entertaining. RIp is just annoying Not that i bother with reviews on youtube. I will also never forget the time Rip made out a product could cure all vaping side effects like dehydration, bad this bad that, all of which where caused by his own lifestyle rather than vaping. He got payed to lie for the company manufacturing the product. That was the begining of the end for Rip. all i can say is R.I.P tripper now go and find a proper job to make a living.
Anyone can do reviews i totally disagree with greedy bastards that charge for reviews. I never liked Rip stupid beards stupid hair stupid hipster. stupid charachter. Give me indoor smokers or Bogan, at least their reviews are entertaining. RIp is just annoying Not that i bother with reviews on youtube. I will also never forget the time Rip made out a product could cure all vaping side effects like dehydration, bad this bad that, all of which where caused by his own lifestyle rather than vaping. He got payed to lie for the company manufacturing the product. That was the begining of the end for Rip. all i can say is R.I.P tripper now go and find a proper job to make a living.
Yeah, you probably don't want to watch the above video then where he claims reiki healing cured his autoimmune disease...
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