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About to start dripping...

I’m new here.
Been vaping for 3 months.
Used to roll tobacco but my daughter said she didn’t want me to die, so here I am.
I discovered early on that too much PG makes my lungs contract like I’m going to have an asthma attack - nothing like a good hard drag on a rollie.
So I started down the high VG sub-ohm path - and became obsessed with looking for the perfect Vape.
Been through a few mods - bricked a smok procolor using the dodgy tfv8 big baby RBA (the one you have to hit with a hammer to stop it shorting).
Now on an sx mini g class with a pharaoh mini RTA - and loving the flavour and smooth long hits I can get from this setup.
Expecting a dead rabbit RDA to arrive tomorrow and looking forward to trying out dripping.
Anyone used a dead rabbit - is it a decent RDA? Any tips for a virgin dripper?

Hi there and welcome. I was very new just a short while ago too. Went through everything, hundreds of pounds and probabaly hundreds of hours on this journey in a few months. We all do. And you will probabaly end up at the end with squonking if your looking for the best ;) For a start I would try the Recurve RDA, lots of us love it, it’s rather new, full of flavour, was to quick wick and only 1 coil to insert and manage (but vapes like it’s a dual), so very easy, especially if you watch the videos you will see how easy it is to insert coils, best used with a squonker mod too, but either way will give you super flavour and good vape with the included coils, and will keep you off the stinkies for good which is why most of us started vaping anyway. The creme de la creme of vaping for top flavour are the drippers, and a squonker will just make it easier to walk around with so you may as well jump right on board and go for it rather than keep trying different tanks. Just don’t get a mech one at this early stage, as it’s more dangerous and you need to test coils and make sure batteries are comlatible, so start with something like a nice regulated ijoy capo 100 with the recurve rda (rather than what the capo may come with) and you will never go back to tanks let alone tobacco. That will allow you to squonk and drip different flavours at the same time. Enjoy...
Congrats on keeping off the stinkies, you are in the best place.

Regarding the Dead Rabbit, I had one for a Christmas gift and I found it easy to build on and easy to wick, also, great flavour etc. I personally didn't get on with it, much prefer a single coil atty without the massive cloudz.

Dead Rabbit also has a squonk pin so you can use it on a squonker, you can pick up a Vandy Vape Pulse BF Mod on eBay for around £15 shipped at the moment (just ordered one myself as well as a Pulse 22 RDA) might be worth investing at that price.

Tips for a virgin dripper --- Don't let the wick go dry or you will know about it, especially Dead Rabbit, try some Cotton Bacon Prime, wicks very fast and will keep up, again, eBay is your friend, you can pick a pack up for around £4 shipped.
Sound like the drop its getting overhyped in this thread a bit. The drop is a lovley dripper but it is only very marginally better than the dead rabbit so dont let anyone push you into another purchase before you've had chance to enjoy the one youve got. To be honest after whacking a .13 dual clapton in my dead rabbit on a mech mod nothing not even the recurve is beating it on flavour at the moment...
Hello @Jrg999999 , Nice to meet you mate !!!
Hi and welcome.
I'm also considering squonking, just been looking at the regulated Pulse and a Recurve RDA today but my wife was with me so 'just looking'...they didn't have the colours I want.

Good luck with the whole journey, just when you find what's best for you someone will release a new device that's better :18:
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