Congrats on keeping off the stinkies, you are in the best place.
Regarding the Dead Rabbit, I had one for a Christmas gift and I found it easy to build on and easy to wick, also, great flavour etc. I personally didn't get on with it, much prefer a single coil atty without the massive cloudz.
Dead Rabbit also has a squonk pin so you can use it on a squonker, you can pick up a Vandy Vape Pulse BF Mod on eBay for around £15 shipped at the moment (just ordered one myself as well as a Pulse 22 RDA) might be worth investing at that price.
Tips for a virgin dripper --- Don't let the wick go dry or you will know about it, especially Dead Rabbit, try some Cotton Bacon Prime, wicks very fast and will keep up, again, eBay is your friend, you can pick a pack up for around £4 shipped.