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That's a surprise, snickers was good 'out the box' for me, maybe it's changed a bit?

I wish I was enjoying some strawberries and cream with my coffee, I'm jealous! :) I'm starting to seriously think Royal Mail has either lost or stolen it.

Btw, I'm on the mint choc now ;) AV should just call it Air-O and be done with it lol

I bought strawberries & cream with a kayfun a couple of weeks back and now been vaping it since Wednesday after a good steep, defiantly be buying more but this time id get it in a 6mg and a 3mg to use my magma if they do it but i cant get on there site to check.
I can't access website either.

They have changed the last bit of name of the web address so maybe it's not up and running yet, thing is both old and new don't work which isn't good for business to say the least
Received my order this morning thanks. The strawberry tastes better, whether that's cos it's a higher nicotine mg? Choc mint as good as ever. Bubblegum ok but thinks it needs steeping? Snickers...... does it need steeping? It tastes of strong chemicals and a strong taste of cinnamon or something similar but nothing like snickers. It wasn't a nice taste so I have put that to one side and will leave it for a week or so.

Its a weird thing some flavours are enhanced with higher nic others not so much like taste everything in life is subjective and thats cool. Bubblegum is very subjective because of what we believe in our own past to believe what it tastes like, we have three kinds so we chose what we thought to be the best. Its sweet bubblegum with a powdery edge the kind of gum you used to get in kids sticker packs in the 80's. We found bubblegum is good to go straight away.

Snickers will need a week to steep I would suggest leaving the cap off to air out the perfume ;) I will play around with the mix on our end for some time before we roll out a revision that we feel it is ready, as it stands its good but can be better. No cinnamon was involved in the mix just peanut, caramel and chocolate. we might tone down the percentage a bit as darker flavours tend to clog up coils quicker don't know the cause of this yet. Give it a week and let me know if you see any change:)

We are trying hard to batch steep our liquids so you can use them straight away and not having to wait upto a week. Most of our liquids are not to bad for steeping some you can use straight away like the fruit kinds, thats why we are not in a hurry to roll out 100+ flavours in piss poor condition we want to get it as good as it can get to satisfy the majority.

We are in the process of having our own line of flavour concentrates soon made in the United Kingdom, we have found a company that has agreed to help us and they are one of the worlds biggest exporters of flavours to the rest of the world serving over 100 various food industry companies.

Investment has been a struggle to get our little business up and running but that is one of our key strengths to keep going to get there and we will with this amazing community we have alongside serving our bedfordshire community.

Stay Tuned, Stay Vaping.

That's a surprise, snickers was good 'out the box' for me, maybe it's changed a bit?

I wish I was enjoying some strawberries and cream with my coffee, I'm jealous! :) I'm starting to seriously think Royal Mail has either lost or stolen it.

Btw, I'm on the mint choc now ;) AV should just call it Air-O and be done with it lol

I feel sorry for you Shlinky I hope you receive it soon. If it does it will be well steeped :D
BTW do you sell the kayfun mini ??
Edit: and sell strawberries and cream in a 6mg and 3mg ??
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