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Due to the fact you ordered this prior to us amending our terms and conditions you will receive a free replacement. Let us know what strength you desire.

To be fair, whilst your products are fluctuating in taste I think it's probably not best to adopt a 'if you don't like it, tough' stance for now.
If some one comes to your site, tries your product and likes it and orders some more then it is not the customer's fault if you've changed the recipe in the meantime.
I would imagine most vendors get their formulas locked down before making them available to the public, that way people know they are getting a consistent product.

Just my 2p, feel free to ignore ;)
Aerovape Ltd - News & Updates - £1.50 postage + Free postage

Pm sent thank you.
Looking forward to trying the replacement and also will order some more once the new flavours are available and I will do a job lot order.
I have 2 full 30ml bottles, they are opened but nearly full. Shall I return them or destroy them?
I will reregister for website and place a order once I have tried the newer choc mint and the new tobacco flavours are live. There are quite a few flavours I want to try.
Will this new choc mint require steeping? I thought the last one was stronger and seemed a bit thick, I wondered if it was clogging up the coils. Good to know it wasn't me!
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To be fair, whilst your products are fluctuating in taste I think it's probably not best to adopt a 'if you don't like it, tough' stance for now.
If some one comes to your site, tries your product and likes it and orders some more then it is not the customer's fault if you've changed the recipe in the meantime.
I would imagine most vendors get their formulas locked down before making them available to the public, that way people know they are getting a consistent product.

Just my 2p, feel free to ignore ;)

TO BE FAIR Schlinky our flavours are locked down now and we are confident enough to market them for sale, our liquids can not be returned due to the fact if they were doctored and we went to test them and we ended up with ebola or our throats melted away with acid, so we did not stipulate we will not replace or refund our products, WE will replace or refund our products on a case by case scenario depending on the situation i.e wrong flavour, strength or a genuinely faulty, damaged product. We won't replace liquids if the customer does not like them, we try our best to stay true to the description of our flavours, but this is down to personal opinion as everyone will have different experiences.

Further more we are not adopting a tough stance, we are wise and happy enough to be flexible with our customers and I am sure someone will attest to this as we have been there for our customers every time there has been an issue which has been satisfied along with follow ups out of our own personal time to make sure they are happy.

I am very surprised and slightly disappointed at you Schlinky as first you tried to bury us at the beginning of our companies journey then you ordered from us, we settled the problem of a flavour difference with us sending out replacements that you did not receive which was down to royal mails failure, we then sent out a second replacement that you did receive that you was happy with,
postage paid twice by us BTW.

Sorry if I am coming on strong but I feel you are trolling to a degree and I will not stand for it.

We want to build a happy customer and relationship base, comments and suggestions are more than welcome but continued head-butting without solid reason or common sense we will not stand for.
Pm sent thank you.
Looking forward to trying the replacement and also will order some more once the new flavours are available and I will do a job lot order.
I have 2 full 30ml bottles, they are opened but nearly full. Shall I return them or destroy them?
I will reregister for website and place a order once I have tried the newer choc mint and the new tobacco flavours are live. There are quite a few flavours I want to try.
Will this new choc mint require steeping? I thought the last one was stronger and seemed a bit thick, I wondered if it was clogging up the coils. Good to know it wasn't me!

Pour them on some weeds, nicotine makes for a good weed killer. By the time it reaches you the choc mint will be good to go. Dark chocolate does not need much steeping nor does mint, they do tend to soften and meld a bit but not much as time goes on. Its just other liquids like vanilla, creamy flavours and tobaccos that need longer to breakdown to bring out the true flavours.
Thanks for all your help aerovape, looking forward to some choc mint again and ordering some more flavours.
No, I agree with you. You shouldn't offer a refund if someone simply doesn't like the flavour particularly as the original S/C and M/C were very nice.
I simply meant what I said, if things are in a state of flux and people are getting something different to what they thought they would receive then you've got to be flexible (as you have been). Now that things are locked down and won't be changing it's a non-issue, again, I agree.

I was indeed cautious of a brand new company, I think that's prudent. I subsequently sang your praises in many threads so there's no 'trolling' going on. http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/f...hmmm-for-the-newbs-post593083.html#post593083
I'll be honest, when the replacement bottles for the altered S/C went walkabout I was a little disappointed when it felt like you were saying 'ok, well good luck with that!'. It wasn't until I made a post (that didn't name you btw) that you offered to send a recorded replacement.

Anyway it's all by-the-by, they're just teething problems which no one will remember in a few weeks. I certainly don't hold any animosity, why would I? I'm sorry if you feel like I'm trolling or try to 'take you down'. I'm just one guy, a noob at that, who has opinions and says them.

Aerovape is going to go from strength to strength in 2015 I'm sure. :)
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Ok schlinky I am glad you have cleared up your point I just feel very weary and passionately about our customers, company and products. You can't be too careful sometimes with the way the internet is heading like in recent news with twitter and facebook. Lets leave this in the past :)

And on the 8th day there was peace
We are currently looking at expanding our flavour range and we would love to have your input as to what flavours you like and would like to see available.
Once the new flavours go live we will be giving out free samples for further feedback.
Traditional Desserts!! Crumbles steamed sponge, knickerbocker glory!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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