I use a drill bit the same diameter as the wick hole as a former to wind the coil on,make a coil free of the atty and heat/pinch/heat/pinch until the coil is very neat and all the turns are touching.Then I mount the coil on the atty still with the drill bit through it so the coil is right over the wick hole.Then I make a ss mesh wick by cutting a square the same depth as the coil+atty so its a millimetre or so off the bottom of the tank,flame it on a gas cooker/torch or with a lighter,roll it round a needle/screwdriver so it has a hole down the middle,then carefully roll the mesh between finger/thumb to tighten it until its a good fit in the coil/tank(don't force it down the coil/wick hole)it should slide in and if its a little loose,then a small screwdriver inserted in the hole through the wick to rotate it in-place usually makes the wick unravel and tighten up against the coil.Once this is done,pulse the coil a few times watching for any coils that glow red before the rest and a little tap with a screwdriver point often is all that's needed to get the coil to ignite red from the middle of the "tube" towards the ends.Don't just hit fire and watch the coil glow red in its entirety straight away as this often causes the top (+tve)end winding to start to glow first and will often burn the juice,ruining the flavour.
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