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AIO Reviewers

Aaah, an excellent question :22:

Firstly, it is not purely how much energy that is delivered to the coil, it is HOW the energy is delivered… Old school mods delivered energy in pulses (as do some of the newer Innokin mods, and you can even adjust the pulse frequency), while newer chips give a much more even flow of electricity. How the chip reads the resistance while being used is also a factor. How the chip reads the temperature in temp control is very different from dna/dicodes/Yihi chips to most other chips,as well.

I am not claiming to be an expert, but I do notice the difference ;) I’ve even noticed that there can be a difference between how smoothly the energy is delivered from a LiPo to an 18650, but I’m a strange chap :18:

Maybe i am not as refined as you, i used i think it was F Mode on a Innokin Mod and quite honestly couldn't tell the difference, i do notice a difference between Wattage and TC but nothing that makes me think wow this is amazing. I will call them subtle differences.
Yes, no doubt, I am talking subtle differences, but flavor is measured (for me) in subtleties :) The quality and precision of most proprietary chips these days means the differences can be VERY subtle. For myself, I both notice the differences, and have a very clear idea of what I prefer :D

Trust me, having a refined palate is not only an advantage…you should try my ex-girlfriend’s cooking:puke: When I tried Red Astaire it literally made me wretch, and almost turned me off vaping forever :18:
Oh the life of a social media influencer, they just don't hold up to scrutiny.

Over the last few years I've become quite jaded by the whole lot of them. This feeling of tiredness with the whole lot of it often times spills over into my general demeanour in this place for which I'm sorry but the fact remains, it's all usually bollox to help some paymaster shift a few baubles.

I end up having a chat on here and it either sways my opinion or makes me decide to give something a bodyswerve.
Plus I couldn't even find anything of interest to mark my 7th year vape anniversary with, pissed me off a bit.
Plus I couldn't even find anything of interest to mark my 7th year vape anniversary with, pissed me off a bit.
Congrats, John :clapping: Didn’t know :hmm: We all hope that there will be new, innovative, and exciting products available for your 8th :2thumbsup:

Oh the life of a social media influencer, they just don't hold up to scrutiny.

Over the last few years I've become quite jaded by the whole lot of them. This feeling of tiredness with the whole lot of it often times spills over into my general demeanour in this place for which I'm sorry but the fact remains, it's all usually bollox to help some paymaster shift a few baubles.

I end up having a chat on here and it either sways my opinion or makes me decide to give something a bodyswerve.

I just think of it as these people are running a business, businesses need to make money....there will be a business and personal side to them, what they say in front of the camera in business mode will be different to their personal views.
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Struggling to think of a single recent vape review where the reviewer said that the flavour was lackluster, feels like everyone compares to what was available years ago rather than the current (far higher) standard tbh.
In general, there are way too many reviewers who have never met a kit or atty they didn’t like :56: There is a huge difference between promoting and critiquing a product…:11:

Fortunately, there are still a few out there who are critical, f ex Mark Todd or Jim Vv. Now, I’m not saying I’ve seen them review a bit of gear that was “lackluster”, but I have heard the flavor is “good, but nothing to write home about “, and “the flavor doesn’t really shine in mtl” (that’s the case way too often for my tastes :hmm:). If you know how to build, how many products are there that won’t give at least halfway decent flavor?

Ideally, I’d like to see a lot less hyperbole, and a more subtle and nuanced vocabulary when describing rbas/atties. Blame the Americans…everything’s “great!”, “wonderful”, or “fantastic” :18:

Plus I couldn't even find anything of interest to mark my 7th year vape anniversary with, pissed me off a bit.
Have you tried a disposable?
The kids say they are all the rage
Not sure about posting on this thread because as I've posted on another thread I've only just bought my first AIO! But seeing this is kinda about online reviews...I've been vaping sub ohm using rta, rba and stock coils for the past six years and what I realised pretty quick is that the reviewers are indeed just selling stuff. And I think that's fair enough. It's been a good few years since I was influenced to buy stuff on the recommendations of a YouTuber. I still find it useful tho when I hit a problem with my set up and I've often found the answer there. So basically I don't have to watch them but sometimes still do - even just for entertainment value alone :5:!
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