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You were stating something which you now admit was wrong. The runny nose has been a possible symptom since the start, it was on the U.K. gov’s list when I had a virus Mid-March. Don’t worry about me getting snappy with you again, I’ll put you on my ignore list. If you were capable of any empathy you might understand how your dismissive, belittling referral to the ‘stay at home brigade’ might piss off somebody you’re obviously including in that group: somebody who would love to go back to work, but has no option but to stay home. Somebody who likely won’t have a job to go back to. I can do without patronising pricks like that in my life tbh, so it’s win - win :grin2:
Fine. Do what you like. I couldn't give a shit because most of what you just wrote has nothing to do with what I was saying.
You read thing's in my posts that aren't there.
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FWIW Mrs Vaponi booked online the night before and got an appointment the next morning, and the results came within 24 hours. We do live just outside the M25 though, prime commuter belt so we may be lucky enough to live close to a drive-through.
I think poor @TheLiqidator 's missus is still waiting for a kit in the post?
That's the trouble isn't it. If there was a local (ish) drive in place, you could get it done quickly but waiting for one to be posted will be frustrating. Extended time off work which isn't going to please the boss.
Unless I'm misunderstanding this, you can only get a test if you have the main symptoms.
That's how it reads, I agree. How the feck they would implement that defeats me though ............ :banghead:
I suppose if you filled a form in online or rang up and didn't have the correct symptoms you'd be rejected so to speak.
Free without symptoms. This I believe to be the case everywhere. Otherwise tell a porky to ensure a free test ;)
Free without symptoms. This I believe to be the case everywhere. Otherwise tell a porky to ensure a free test ;)
View attachment 227121
Might be down to local area though? Ours (Dacorum) still says this:

Coronavirus tests

Don't delay getting a test if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you have a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should either order a test kit or book a test at one of the drive-through testing centres.

Visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus to book a COVID-19 test for yourself or a family member.

For additional help to book a test, call 119 between 7am and 11pm. Call 18001 0300 303 2713 if you have hearing or speech difficulties.

The call centre can also answer enquiries about the testing process and what to do once you have your result, or chase up any delayed results.
Might be down to local area though? Ours (Dacorum) still says this:

Coronavirus tests

Don't delay getting a test if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you have a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should either order a test kit or book a test at one of the drive-through testing centres.

Visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus to book a COVID-19 test for yourself or a family member.

For additional help to book a test, call 119 between 7am and 11pm. Call 18001 0300 303 2713 if you have hearing or speech difficulties.

The call centre can also answer enquiries about the testing process and what to do once you have your result, or chase up any delayed results.
Possibly seeing as I'm in a "hotspot" apparently :)2. Still nothing to stop one being generous with the truth. For peace of mind either way a little white lie won't hurt. If it's negative :2thumbsup: & if it's positive you may be assymptomatic so you'll be saving mankind :2thumbsup:. Winner all round.
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