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An Apology from The Vaping Guru

Everything said previously stands. Including that we are aggressively and religiously tracking our shipment. I am currently eating a bacon sandwich, and wondering if whether the Vatican is involved in a global conspiracy
Most of whats been said by you and Thor has been lies. UK exclusive items being sold by other uk vendors? Stating orders will be fulfilled by sucha date that comes and goes with fulfilment promise dates being moved again with no reasons or feeding your customers untruths as to why.
Youre now "aggressively and religiously" tracking your shipment?
If you were to read back through the posts yourself and Thor have published on this forum you would understand why i think this is just
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I've been away for a while, so do not know the full story here.

If it was one or two mistakes, then they have gone above and beyond with the letter of apology and juice. If they have knocked a lot of people though, refunds need to be issued to who is out of pocket and everything straightened out.
It's all about honesty and trust. The entire episode could have very easily been avoided. Two lines on their website under the product: "Due to a delay in the manufacturer shipping our order there will be a delay in receiving your product. Apologies for the inconvenience. Please check in here for any updates.

That's all it needed. Nobody would have complained and nobody would have asked for a refund.
I'm really surprised pp hasn't removed the account, id send a copy of the contract to them immediately
I'm really surprised pp hasn't removed the account, id send a copy of the contract to them immediately
We haven't violated any PP terms and conditions. Similarly, we are making efforts with our undersized team to make amends to everyone involved in this entire fiasco, along with fulfilling orders.

We are processing refunds as fast as we can, and still sent apology packs out. Whole ordeal on our side of the pitch is pinned on Oumier (hence previous post about advised legal action from accountants.)

Specifically, what terms have we broken?
It's all about honesty and trust. The entire episode could have very easily been avoided. Two lines on their website under the product: "Due to a delay in the manufacturer shipping our order there will be a delay in receiving your product. Apologies for the inconvenience. Please check in here for any updates.

That's all it needed. Nobody would have complained and nobody would have asked for a refund.

Yeah, well if a manufacturer feeds us lies, that's all we have to go on
I've been away for a while, so do not know the full story here.

If it was one or two mistakes, then they have gone above and beyond with the letter of apology and juice. If they have knocked a lot of people though, refunds need to be issued to who is out of pocket and everything straightened out.
Refunds being processed as fast as we can
Most of whats been said by you and Thor has been lies. UK exclusive items being sold by other uk vendors? Stating orders will be fulfilled by sucha date that comes and goes with fulfilment promise dates being moved again with no reasons or feeding your customers untruths as to why.
Youre now "aggressively and religiously" tracking your shipment?
If you were to read back through the posts yourself and Thor have published on this forum you would understand why i think this is just
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Good one. UK exclusivity on a product can be bypassed by other vendors by purchasing stock from Chinese wholesalers and having it imported. Another angle we are having to tackle is how to prevent this in the future, as these exclusivity contracts are very expensive.

Also, we can only tell you what we are told. When a manufacturer doesn't give us the full story, we don't have any other way of getting it and have to take them at their word.

In essence, what you think are our lies, are in fact the manufacturers lies.

Summary: It looks as if those shipments never shipped and the account manager was buying time until it was, so lied to string us along long enough.

As a result, it's made a totally legitimate business look like thieving tossers and ruined a decent rep we'd worked hard to achieve.

Yes we are a small team and got inundated with orders and overwhelmed. It could've been coped with, but with the ballache on the shipping piled on top, it reduced us to this. We felt like crap. Sent apology packs out.

Where are we now? Back on efficient form and getting orders to letterboxes by Friday latest.
Yeah, well if a manufacturer feeds us lies, that's all we have to go on
And that's where experience comes in. The Chinese manufacturers are notorious for delayed shipments. You're obviously relatively new to the game and therefore haven't been burnt by them before. And it's because of your relatively new status and inexperience that a lot of people are giving you the benefit of the doubt and not completely writing you off (myself included).

We all live and learn bud. It may seem like a category 5 shit storm at the moment but as long as everyone gets their order or refund it will all be a storm in a tea cup.
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