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An Apology from The Vaping Guru

Yeah, well if a manufacturer feeds us lies, that's all we have to go on

#49Ray@thevapingguru, 13 minutes ago

So if your supplier has lied to you, and ruined your reputation, I take it you will not be using them
anymore ?

In which case you can just return everyone's money.........................

Simples innit :dance:
Been hammering the other thread like a loon in the discount forum however just wanted to say this here too-

Funny that, I never received one, i never even received 1 single email, as i said in the other thread, I was that pished when I ordered - i forgot that i ordered at all. If it wasnt for just general perusal of the forums i would not have had a scooby. Yes that makes me a drunk dickmonger but on top of what already was a mess, i find it even more infuriating that it seems your apology packs only go to people who actually voiced concern.

Calm down smithers. You want one?
Fair one. What's your order number then mate? Do you actually have one? Still waiting

REplied in the other thread pal. If I need the O.N I’ll get from work email tomorrow. Fair dos and no hard feelings - giving you shit worked though eh. Hope it all works out in the future for u and that everyone gets their money or stuff bud.
Netflix for a month. You know it's £9.99 now? Outrageous.

You have descended to a new low now you twat.

So you take peoples money for goods you don't have to sell.
When they enquire, or complain you ignore them.
Requests for refunds are also ignored.
After publicity on here the best you can do is send a couple of quids worth of juice out as an apology.
Now you resort to taking the piss out of one of your "customers" that you owe money to.

Some people are saying that they hope your company recovers.
Well I don't, I hope your company goes where it belongs, down the toilet, and you preferably end up in court on fraud charges.
You have descended to a new low now you twat.

So you take peoples money for goods you don't have to sell.
When they enquire, or complain you ignore them.
Requests for refunds are also ignored.
After publicity on here the best you can do is send a couple of quids worth of juice out as an apology.
Now you resort to taking the piss out of one of your "customers" that you owe money to.

Some people are saying that they hope your company recovers.
Well I don't, I hope your company goes where it belongs, down the toilet, and you preferably end up in court on fraud charges.
Get a sense of humour.
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