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An Apology from The Vaping Guru

Yes apparently he has had no option but to go to the Police because of threats received. Yet he has time to phone me up and do just that lol

Maybe TVG could be put in touch with Josh. He was in the process of acquiring a solicitor to rectify all the malicious comments and lies spread about him! :rotflmao:
Stalking the threads, to see what’s being said, and who should be next for a phone call...
The longer this drags out is the longer that they are all making a bad name for themselves. Bout time they drew a line under it all, grew some balls, sorted everyone out and it would all blow under the radar again.
The longer this drags out is the longer that they are all making a bad name for themselves. Bout time they drew a line under it all, grew some balls, sorted everyone out and it would all blow under the radar again.

But they're not sorting anybody out. Nothing's been sent out, it appears, and they're not even refunding people. PP are issuing the refunds after TVG fail to respond to claims. According to FB posts PP have said TVG are unable to respond. So don't know if their accounts been locked or what but it appears to me they are in over their heads and it's more than they can deal with.

Shipping delays is not the end of the world. But failure to ship or refund spells doom and I don't see any way that they recover from this. They'll certainly never see a penny from me again.

EDIT: What about everybody who paid by debit card? They're gonna have a feking nightmare getting their money back!
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I don't think they, TVG, give a damn, I just hope everyone who paid up gets refunded.
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