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An Apology from The Vaping Guru

ORdered a wasp nano from Fasttech came in 6 days with uk epacket
^^^^^That must be Ray.^^^^^
Didn't someone suggest that Ray might be the guy called Ray who is one of the admins of the TVG facebook group? The guy with an avatar of him using a sniper rifle or something?

If that's the case, then that's not Ray. Could be Steve though.

What is the point of all this, might I ask?
Didn't someone suggest that Ray might be the guy called Ray who is one of the admins of the TVG facebook group? The guy with an avatar of him using a sniper rifle or something?

If that's the case, then that's not Ray. Could be Steve though.

What is the point of all this, might I ask?
Steve? So there is three of them?
Scammers need outing IMO save more unsuspecting folks being robbed.
Steve? So there is three of them?
Scammers need outing IMO save more unsuspecting folks being robbed.
Did you even watch the video BOB posted? Yes, there's a Steve.

So how does knowing what they look like help stop someone being scammed by their online shop?

As far as I know, everyone who applied for a refund or chargeback got one. Anyone who hasn't raised a PayPal claim has 180 days from the time of purchase to do so. TVG's reputation is in tatters. What more do you want?
Did you even watch the video BOB posted? Yes, there's a Steve.

So how does knowing what they look like help stop someone being scammed by their online shop?

As far as I know, everyone who applied for a refund or chargeback got one. Anyone who hasn't raised a PayPal claim has 180 days from the time of purchase to do so. TVG's reputation is in tatters. What more do you want?
Not sure ive asked for anything or why youre so defensive of them?
Of course i watched the video but there has never been any mention of Steve on here.
Ive kept an eye on the whole debacle from the begining since reading the bargain nano thread.
Not sure ive asked for anything or why youre so defensive of them?
Of course i watched the video but there has never been any mention of Steve on here.
Ive kept an eye on the whole debacle from the begining since reading the bargain nano thread.
I'm not defensive of them, I called them out big time if you remember, but I just don't see the point of dragging this on, that's all.

If you watched BOB's video, then didn't you notice Dean saying how he had spoken on the phone to a guy called Steve or Steven from TVG?

Anyways, it just seems to me that looking on the internet for profiles and stuff of anything to do with TVG and then posting them here putting the wrong names to faces isn't actually helping the situation much. What are we supposed to do with "Is this Ray?" posts, or "Here is a VUKN video with Thor in it" videos? How is it helping?
I'm not defensive of them, I called them out big time if you remember, but I just don't see the point of dragging this on, that's all.

If you watched BOB's video, then didn't you notice Dean saying how he had spoken on the phone to a guy called Steve or Steven from TVG?

Anyways, it just seems to me that looking on the internet for profiles and stuff of anything to do with TVG and then posting them here putting the wrong names to faces isn't actually helping the situation much. What are we supposed to do with "Is this Ray?" posts, or "Here is a VUKN video with Thor in it" videos? How is it helping?
I do apologise i just thought the information was worth sharing.
Not so dissimilar to Deans review really.
TBH there have been a few apes that have called me or questioned me for posting info on here regarding TVG.
I dont see the issue but respect those that do.
I'm ready to be shot down here, but bear in mind this question isn't asked with any agenda, just mere curiosity....

We are aware that PayPal buyers (myself included) have either had a refund or are in the process of getting one.

I very nearly paid by card, as I usually do. I don't really like the PayPal integration when delivery and billing address aren't the same.

It was pure lazyness that led me to paying via PP. I simply couldn't be arsed to go get my card out of my jeans. Which leads me to the question.... How many people that did choose to pay by card have been refunded? Do you know anyone that paid by card?
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