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Another Vaping pub in Norwich :)


Jul 18, 2012
Before one of my many relationship splits I lived for five years near a great pub called The Jubilee. Needless to say with its good selection of ales and community feel I spent a fair amount of time there and was a bit of a regular. This was before I found Vaping by the way so after the smoking ban spent a lot of time in the beer garden.

I moved away about three and a half years ago. Those paying attention will know I've been Vaping for about three years now.

I ventured back to the Jube (as its affectionately known) on more than one occasion and tried to get them to consider allowing Vaping.

The pub is run by Tim and Katie. Tim is a bit of a character. He has been landlord there for 20 years, even featured in a local paper recently who told his story of being a drug addict and alcoholic. He has successfully been clean of drugs and alcohol for several years now. He spends a lot of time in the gym and counsels young people on addictions....which is ironic because although he doesn't take 'drugs' or drink alcohol he does still have a cigarette habit.

Now Tim has always been anti ecigs. I have never worked it out. He has proudly told me how he has thrown people out for using them. Now you may be asking...well didn't you tell him why they're safer...
Well. No. Basically you don't argue with Tim..

As a consequence I haven't been back there much. It's also a bit of a trek on foot from my place.

So I got a tweet from Katie today saying they want the pub to go ecig friendly and has asked me to pop in one day this week to give her some advice ' from the expert'

I don't know why there has been a change of heart. You may think all the misleading press coverage, the MRHA announcement etc would have had the opposite effect.

Still, I am a happy bunny and glad to be flying the CamVIP flag once more :)
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I ventured out to the Jube yesterday. Not only is it now vape friendly. TIM, previously staunchly anti ecig....has started Vaping. Bob on!
The jubilee is a lovely pub use to be my local when I lived around the corner. You should give yourself a pat on the back :-)
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