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Anti shinyitis pills?

Shinyitis is part 'fun of getting new toys' and part the search for the best 'vape'.

If you like new toys, don't have much money, but want to try new things, look at FastTech for low priced versions.

Whenever you get tempted by expensive mods - ask yourself how much you should really be spending on a metal battery holder?

If you're searching for the elusive perfect vape, then I think you can end up chasing a never ending selection of new devices that promise to be better than the rest.

You'll find a natural level eventually. Once you find a selection of juices you're happy with and you mix your own, the cost of juices will reduce. If you find an tank you're happy with and learn to rewick your own, again the cost will come down.

The main thing to remember is that you're in the learning stage, which is expensive. The impulse to buy something new will reduce slowly. But most of all, is that rather than burning your money as cigarettes, you're money is buying you devices that you will keep you off fags and help improve your health long term. That is priceless.
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