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Any thoughts on Innokin Zlide tank & Z Coils?


Sep 24, 2020
I've been using the Zlide tank for over 2 years and I've recently switched my mod to a larger one (Kroma R to the Kroma 217) and so far it's miles better, I don't need to worry about changing batteries throughout the day but I guess the batteries I was using were probably due a renew.

So, I'm wondering, does anyone know what the general consensus of the Zlide tank is? Who's it aimed at? Newbies? MTL purists? I guess I just want to know if anyone would immediately suggest I change up, as I've been vaping on/off for 8 years, and want to know if this is still a solid tank for long-time vaper. I only do MTL btw. I find it good for me but sometimes wonder if I'm being too purist and should branch out and see if there's anything else that's perhaps seen as better.

And finally, for a pack of 5 coils, is £8-9, a standard price across all notable brands?
If you are happy with it why worry and go chasing something that might be better, quite a few on here rate the Zlide as a mtl tank. £8-9 a pack is a good price, some are more.
The Zlide tank is a very nice piece of kit as well you know, there is a newish Zlide top tank available it’s a nice tank but I still prefer the original Zlide tank there’s a range of Z coils to suit most vapers.
I vape MTL and use the 1.2 or the 1.6 Z coils they suit me fine. I personally wouldn’t look for anything else so if you’re happy with it why change. I must admit I do have a few pod kits I use when out and about but the four Innokin kits with the Zlide tanks I have I wouldn’t change. You can always keep spending money looking for something better but personally I wouldn’t bother.
I'm currently using a zlide top with the new 0.6 ohm duo prime mesh coil which is great but doesnt seem to last any longer. I previously preferred the 1.2 ohm. I also have an aspire tank and coils are usually around the £8.99 for both brands. If you fancy a small change you can try the new coils though they cost a quid more for 5.
I have 3 zlides and one zenith22 tanks,all used with .8 z coils,the best imo.
Unfortunately there’s not a huge range of stock coil MTL tanks. I always preferred the nautilus as IMO it has better flavour. The coils do last longer on the zlide though.
Some vapers go to rebuildable Tanks though some are happy with the stock coil tanks, RTA's and other rebuildable tanks can become a bit of a money pit, the same goes for mods, in both cases are you really upgrading ?. Mods are Mods no matter how you dress them up they do the same job at the end of the day. The rebuildable is a different beast and can be a challenge, even experienced vapers can struggle with some. You will always search for the Holy Grail in Tanks then when you think you have found it something else comes out that's better. You end up in a never ending circle of buying new things. Stick with the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Good Luck with whatever you decide.
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