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Attention: Sentient Human Beings Of The Forum


Exploding Mod
Oct 21, 2012
The other night, I expressed an opinion, in my usual charming manner, on a particular topic, whilst making clear, in my role as a mod, that I would be keeping an eye on the type of personal jibes directed at other forum members.

As a result of this, I have one member send a stream of highly deluded, nay, demented, emails, claiming that I hate everyone from Liverpool, and that, once I pointed out that is where my dad was from, I was ashamed of the fact, and what have you, who knows exactly what the imbecile was wittering on about.

I reported him after a while to the rest of the team, and said to hold off penalising him, as he could've been on the crack pipe that night.

Now, after coming online a short while ago, my buddy had sent me a nice new pm, after a days rest from the forum, accusing me of taking the piss out of the Hillsborough disaster? Out of nowhere.

Admittedly, I don't deal with stupid in a very diplomatic manner, all correspondence has been kept (The twonk kept on saying I had deleted everything?!), and I, for the first time, have banned a member.

I then received another pm from another member asking me if I was somebody else because the banned member had been emailing yet a different member about this?

Is that clear? No? Good, I am not going mad.

Take this as a warning, by all means, be an idiot, I know I am, but don't make an excessive point of it, please.

Happy Hanukkah!
You don't dislike people from Liverpool, the notion is retarded.

You dislike everyone.
You guys! Make me cry in my pants, I'm off out for the evening, so play nice now, y'hear, you pesky tykes.
Yay! Hate to snicker but...at least it wasn't me this time!
Has he gone yet? I hate people from where he comes from.

His mother.

Lol poor MT, I'm only grateful It wasn't me, my comments on Hillsborough once lead to death threats and My opinion of scousers depends on said scouser...
I think you guys are what my mum calls a "wanker magnet". Do you attract weirdos in pubs as well?
I am the weirdo in the pub, get me lagered up and I sit in a corner giggling uncontrollably at the slightest provocation...
Oh and before anyone questions it, no it was not an inappropriate or off colour or offensive comment but one based on actual experience of the day (from outside the ground I might add)...
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