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BBC: Should disposable vapes be banned?

look at the fuckin state we’re in, man. there’s a lot of things that need to be banned :)

I remember the Vatican banned wanking so everybody just got the priest to do it for them.....there's always roon a boot:)
Before disposables and when i worked in a vape shop, many customers seemed incapable of remembering to change/ learn how to change a coil, always filling tanks via the chimney, using incorrect chargers, not even bothering to charge devices, always smashing tanks and glasses, using the wrong ratio of vg/pg juice, setting the wattage wrong, not knowing how to turn a device on or off, asking for a coil for their vape but not having the device or tank with them - or knowing the name of it - or even knowing where it was. All day long, everyday, it was perverted. One customer came in almost everyday for about a year, his vape wasn't working. Sort him out a new set up and he was back the next day and the days after, his vape wasn't working :11:

Disposables solve all those problems for people, a bit like people who wont make sandwiches to take to work, they buy the bloody things, despite the added expense.
Laziness, vacuity and stupidity are no excuse for excess plastic waste imo

all it takes is education
It's the people who've never smoked I don't get

Why start vaping? For years my son called me a "loser" for smoking ... nearly crashed the car the other week when smoke was billowing into the front of the car ... Eeejit was vaping and I didn't know he'd started doing it
And yep - a disposable
for anyone old enough back in the day glass corona fizzy drink bottles used to charge a surpluss which you got back when you returned the bottle and it worked for many years.
this does sound like a decent idea but i dont think a quid is enough as people will still just chuck them but a fiver might work when you take it back to the shop you get a refund.
ok so a disp... costs a fiver but will people pay £10 for one but get a fiver back on its return and will the shops take this up as an option as it means much more work for them.

something certainly needs to be done though.
Laziness, vacuity and stupidity are no excuse for excess plastic waste imo

all it takes is education

There is no educating some people I'm afraid.. and ultimately they don't care...

(Certain) peoples' inability to realise that disposables are a simply a waste of resources and not cost effective, and think that stuff they throw on the street should be cleared up by someone else, is an example of one aspect of why I think the human race has no hope...
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It's the people who've never smoked I don't get

Why start vaping? For years my son called me a "loser" for smoking ... nearly crashed the car the other week when smoke was billowing into the front of the car ... Eeejit was vaping and I didn't know he'd started doing it
And yep - a disposable

Why not start vaping? It's pleasurable, and better than smoking...

The new generation never had it so lucky in that respect - they can 'smoke', but without the harm.
Why not start vaping? It's pleasurable, and better than smoking...

The new generation never had it so lucky in that respect - they can 'smoke', but without the harm.

I liked your post because you're right.
It's everyone's personal choice and should always be so. Fingers crossed it remains like that

I guess I was just speaking from me and my son's issues and the initial shock when he was vaping. Doing my hardest to steer him away from disposables and onto a kit
education and knowledge

if cigarettes had just been invented

"what the fuck...you mean I set fire to it"

"Which end do you set on fire"

"does it have a battery"

"I've been puffing on this all day no one said I had to light it"

The same goes for vaping mankind is thick the rise of the disposable has made vaping go backwards not forwards it may well be convenient but it's a cash cow for people who don't vape, don't care, don't understand, I have been asked to make a disposable shiny nice look thing the other day the person said I was rude when I said "fuck off" upon many hours of heart-searching reflection I did come to the conclusion to readdress the outburst to "fuck off twat"
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