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BB's and AIO's.


Apr 18, 2014
I posted this in another thread and never pissed off anyone.:)
BB's and similar are pure genius from the manufacturer.
Boss - how can we increase our profit on mod X that we sell for £60?
Designer - why don't we dismantle it and sell them the mod in instalments. £30 for the body, £30 for the tank, £30 for the bridge, £20 for the doors, etc, etc. We could easily double the price.
Boss - surely nobody would fall for that?
Designer - they started smoking so they must be stupid.
You’re probably not the first to notice how foolish many of us are in regards to using silly money on accessories. I have several times cursed myself for buying extras that end up costing as much as the mod :17:

This is however a very old psychological ploy to make even more profit from a popular product. John DeLorean is credited (probably wrongly) with creating this very same system with automobiles in the early 60’s when he was president of Pontiac. Chrome bumpers? $50, Mag wheels? $75…you get the idea. And yes, many of us fall for it, it’s obviously human nature to want to be the same but somewhat different :22:
I can see where you’re coming from, but its a bit flawed.
If you’re thinking about pod systems - that many would describe as AIOs - you are generally limited to the manufacturer for
additional pods - but that’s about it.
When it comes to BB-type (boro) systems, there are very few devices where accessories cannot be sought from third parties. Indeed, the actual device manufacturer is often the last person who will sell them.
Where the money is being made is by
manufacturers turning out yet another device that takes a boro & battery - the majority of which will be unobtainable within a few months (preceded by massive price drops) because of the limited production run (limited out of financial economy rather than exclusivity) and they are now making (churning out?) the latest reincarnation of the same basic thing.
There are exceptions to my rather cynical viewpoint but the accessories are almost invariably from a third party and when it comes to the likes of bridges very much down to the preferred vaping experience rather than the mod itself.
There are so many bridges where the build deck is the same as others but we still buy them, You can only do so much with such a small build area.
There are so many bridges where the build deck is the same as others but we still buy them, You can only do so much with such a small build area.
And this is really the frustration. When a “good” bridge is developed, the limited production run means that later down the line, trying to get one becomes difficult and so a new star is born because yet another “good” bridge has replaced it. I put “good” in “” because it’s all a factor of easy build, good flavour, meets the vaping style etc. Different people will have different opinions on it.
And the new bridges get developed because the competition have produced a new one, and so it perpetuates.
As this thread was aimed (primarily I suspect) at the boro market, it’s worth looking at the “inventor”, Billet Box Vapor.
They seem to have hit on a winning design that has changed very little over the years and the latest iteration - albeit up to rev C now - has been going strong in both OG and clone forms for 5 (?) years and they sell, despite their flaws, in droves without any sign of either a production end or major rethink.
But you can’t knock developers I suppose - They need to earn their buck (or Yen) and need to keep one step ahead of the competition to do so.
Jeez I’m feeling cynical today :(
You’re only being cynical in so far as you’re observing the reality of the vaping business :22:

Creating demand, jealousy, and scarcity are all cornerstones of capitalism. We give them our money, not only to fulfill the function (vaping), but for prestige, stimulation, and distraction.

Most of us have an epiphanic moment or two where we see that a mod is just a battery and a chip, and that rbas are pretty much the same with only marginal differences. It is downright silly using our hard earned dosh on the latest release. But…damn…I still really want that new shiny :drool:
I'm as bad as anyone at wanting another shiny.
I just feel the whole bb/boro thing is in your face marketing to get your dosh.
You are absolutely right @ZenAnarchi
I expect, that over time, all products to be updated/rebooted/revamped to keep up with the competition/technology/production methods/costs etc.
What I do find frustrating is the very short half-life that the majority of vaping products have. I would have thought that by now the market would have “natured” enough for there to be a greater degree of stability and longevity. I am also frustrated by the woefully short guarantee period that’s on offer for the vast majority of goods. To me, that smacks of potential shoddy build or materials and does little to inspire anyone to stick with what they’ve got. We pay the same, or more, for a mod that we’d pay for a kettle or toaster and wouldn’t accept such a short warranty period with them.
And yes, regardless, that new shiny overcomes many things ;)
One thing i have a go at myself for is buying something, using it once then putting it away never to be seen again. The 2nd thing that irritates me is spending £30 + for a RTA and realising that you have a £5 - £10 Clone that is better than the Higher Priced Items. Example is the Dvarw. Still better than most RTA's and only 5 or 6 Quid.
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