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Being forced to vape in the smoking hut!

godamn it these people think they're being politically correct but they're just undereducated uninformed monkeys why cant people just let people get on with things its not like you're hurting anyone with a bit of vapor @Liath - FREEDOM FOR VAPERS NOW:protest:

The managment at my work a @*%$&£"%!£&#!

What do we want?
A place to vape!
When do we want it?
Interestingly enough, psychiatric wards were exempt from the ban until 2008.

Ask them why it's illegal to smoke in a place of work. As far as I know, it's to prevent non-smokers from being exposed to the carcinogenic effects of second-hand smoke...which is exactly what they're asking you to do. The alternative they're offering is for you to expose yourself to more immediate physical danger! That's bollocks, excuse my French, and I'd be pursuing it with your union.

Alternatively, if you can't be hassled with it, get someone to make you a mod that looks like an inhaler and watch 'em try to ban that ;-)
+1 on most of the advice given. And my tuppence worth? Absolutely refuse to vape in the smoking area, please. We cannot afford to be pushed into being "like smokers". We have to carve our own identity as neither smokers or non smokers or jugglers, fishermen or banana pickers. We vape, which isn't "like smoking", it's something entirely different and should be treated as such.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I do think that it must be pretty easy to establish that it is actually illegal to MAKE a non-smoker stand with smokers whilst pursuing an activity that is NOT smoking.

Though risks of passive smoking are not scientifically proven, governments have chosen to embrace the belief that it is a risk, and have introduced a ban in public places specifically to protect workers from inhaling 2nd hand smoke.

Regardless of whether the risk is real or assumed, the law has accepted that it is, therefore I assume it would be illegal for an employer to impose 2nd hand smoke on a worker.

Perhaps if requests were worded differently...

How would the employer respond to a request from an employee for the employer to desist in forcing them to inhale 2nd hand smoke whilst taking a comfort break.

When worded like this, can an employer dare refuse THAT request?
Can anyone confirm or deny that the VG/PG carrier is the same thing used in nebulisers? I swear I heard that somewhere, but my Google-fu is weak.
From a legal point of view I imagine that your employers would have no case to answer. It's obviously up to them if they allow vaping within the workplace and up to you if you want to step into the smoking hut or not. Don't think they can be held liable for your decision to actually enter the smoking hut to vape, even though it sounds like your boss is a tosser :-)

propylene glycol has been endorsed by the USA for utilization in distinctive products like: (1) pharmaceuticals – oral, injectable and topical formulations; (2) beauty products like mousse, shampoo, bubble bath, after shave, and deodorant; (3) baby wipes; (4) pet food; and (5) inhalers utilized by asthma patients.
Im in the heathcare sector, because I'm backroom admin staff I can vape at my desk. I have been told not to go vaping in public tho. So it really boils down to, they may say no but until your disciplined, there maybe no precedent policy in place. Vape in private and wait to given a written warning.
From a legal point of view I imagine that your employers would have no case to answer. It's obviously up to them if they allow vaping within the workplace and up to you if you want to step into the smoking hut or not. Don't think they can be held liable for your decision to actually enter the smoking hut to vape, even though it sounds like your boss is a tosser :-)

I'm still waiting to force this issue with my employers.
While I don't vape in the building (goody,goody), I do vape while standing under the no-smoking sign, on the walkway to the shed. And as yet no-one has said anything. (been doing it for months now)
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