Well,The Air Station i work at has issued a policy (and will apply to all 3 services) that 'the use of electronic cigarettes is forbidden within buildings as they produce clouds of nicotine containing vapour'
BUT you can use a plastic inhalator with no problem as they are classed as a medicine.
I asked one of the bosses on clarification on where i can vape, he pointed outside and said 'with the other smokers'
I am f@cking fuming, we are not allowed a union because of our job, so i have made an appointment with the top doc on base as he is all for vaping, i am now a non smoker, and by looking at the JSP that was published, they have fell for the usual BMA bullshit.
I told the guys i work with and they are happy for me to vape indoors, i just need the command to see the bigger picture and the fact that i am being forced by THEM to breathe in second hand smoke.