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Being forced to vape in the smoking hut!

Update: The health and safety guy in work is an ignorant moron and I've told him to his face. He think vaping is the same as smoking. I'll be taking this up the management chain.

Scientifically proven,. VAPING can NOT be the same as smoking due to a single undeniable factor.

Scientifically proven,. VAPING can NOT be the same as smoking due to a single undeniable factor.


I told him this but as I've already said he's an ignorant moron! He's going to have a stack of reading to do this weekend.
I'm obviously going to have to come over there and put him in a headlock, aren't I?

Well,The Air Station i work at has issued a policy (and will apply to all 3 services) that 'the use of electronic cigarettes is forbidden within buildings as they produce clouds of nicotine containing vapour'
BUT you can use a plastic inhalator with no problem as they are classed as a medicine.
I asked one of the bosses on clarification on where i can vape, he pointed outside and said 'with the other smokers'
I am f@cking fuming, we are not allowed a union because of our job, so i have made an appointment with the top doc on base as he is all for vaping, i am now a non smoker, and by looking at the JSP that was published, they have fell for the usual BMA bullshit.
I told the guys i work with and they are happy for me to vape indoors, i just need the command to see the bigger picture and the fact that i am being forced by THEM to breathe in second hand smoke.
This has been an ongoing issue in my workplace for a few months now - they've popped vaping into the smoking policy and claim they're banning it because the NHS does - and refuse to shift their stance despite the fact that it's patently NOT smoking and the NHS has no generic ban on them (in fact, one hospital at least is distributing them to inpatients).

So in my sickness return to work form this week, I said that though I have reduced my cigarette consumption by 85% since April as a result of vaping, the work policy has meant that my smoking in work time has remained the same as before I started vaping, and that their policy has been a barrier for me completely giving up - and that I believe being a smoker and being forced to stand in the cold with smokers when engaging in a legal indoor activity increases my chances of developing chest infections and delays recovery (I have a documented history of severe and prolonged chest infections).

I'm entitled to add my comments and they can't be amended by managers - I therefore now have it on record that I view their policy as being detrimental to my health
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Well,The Air Station i work at has issued a policy (and will apply to all 3 services) that 'the use of electronic cigarettes is forbidden within buildings as they produce clouds of nicotine containing vapour'
BUT you can use a plastic inhalator with no problem as they are classed as a medicine.
I asked one of the bosses on clarification on where i can vape, he pointed outside and said 'with the other smokers'
I am f@cking fuming, we are not allowed a union because of our job, so i have made an appointment with the top doc on base as he is all for vaping, i am now a non smoker, and by looking at the JSP that was published, they have fell for the usual BMA bullshit.
I told the guys i work with and they are happy for me to vape indoors, i just need the command to see the bigger picture and the fact that i am being forced by THEM to breathe in second hand smoke.

Odd one this; at Stalag Collingwood you have to vape out with smokers yet on the RFAs we can vape in our cabins... however this may change if the mad house jump on the bandwagon!
Ouch! collingrad is a shithole of a place at the best of times!
The no vaping policy is in one of the JSPs so it might affect you mate, but then you are a civvie so you can probably complain!
Mind you i do vape in my cabin, i pay for it and it is NOT smoking, would love the hierarchy try and do me over it!
I am hoping that the PMO will see sense especially if i give him the details needed.
Sassy only problem being, it's the Forces, they could end up just telling to stfu and man up lol!
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