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Best/recommended Kayfun Lite clone

Love the look of my v1 and the airflow is just ridiculous. In a good way :)
Only downside is the juice capacity, can you get much more into the v3?
Orchid V4 is like a full size Kayfun.
Im trying to find out who the KF clone is made by that Aerovape Ltd sells, anyone know ??

Edit: just found out off them its made by IVOGO. Not come across them before but going to buy one
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EHPRO dual airflow from angelfiremods is good - but juice channels are small, so as with most kayfun clones, make sure to use very little cotton and most importantly - DO NOT COVER THE JUICE CHANNELS - as you will certainly get burnt hits if you do.

I also have the HC atomizer - a kayfun knock-off with a glass tank and a sleeve - and the juice channels are a bit bigger that the EHPRO version - so a little less forgiving on the dry hits - if you can handle the big H and C on the metal sleeve
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