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Apart from DJLsb I switch off after 10 seconds or so, no offence to anyone but a lot of youtubers should really only be on radio :11:
PBusardo and Vic tend to be my staples, i'll tune into Grim's vlog occasionally though. Also used to watch Martyn Parker's juice reviews.
It's worth watching the last five minutes of the latest Plumes Of Hazard show just to see Zen's impression of Todd...
+1 for The Bogan. Funny guy. Just don't watch in the same room as the kiddies... Or your Gran. There's Fs, Cs, Ds, Ts and Bs flying all over the place [emoji23]
Ruby Roo
Zophie Vapes..... I could watch her all day, beautiful eyes
I like vaping with vic, grim and probably one you guys haven't heard off but www.youtube.com/sirvapingalots is one I've come too really enjoy.

Personally I've gone off of indoorsmokers just because I'm more into rdas and he just doesn't do them.
Bogan for entertainment and DJLsbVapes for information. No time for the rest, would rather watch movies on the Firestick.
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