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Blog - Does anyone else remember Nick-O-Teen?

Dunno why..but i seem to remember Nick O Teen wearing a tight green outfit, or is that from something else from the 1970's....there were a lot of Public Safety Vids back then.

Edit: ah i've just remembered..that was the Green Cross Code man!

I'd been smoking for several years by then too. There's this more recent one too - Tim Curry made it even more mesmerising ..... :D

yeah, that's terrible.... it just makes me want to smoke fags, be Keef Richards and turn sepia.
Dunno why..but i seem to remember Nick O Teen wearing a tight green leotard, or is that from something else from the 1970's....there were a lot of Public Safety Vids back then.

The green cross code man.... :D
There was a horrific one about going on train lines that gave me nightmares for years afterwards.....
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