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BMA jumping on the Bandwagon

Looks like a recycled article. It wouldn't be so bad if they did thier own research but the info they have is clearly outdated as recent tests have found Nic levels in second hand vape to be negligible. To be honest it looks like one of those Jeremy Kyle style news outlets that runs thing like elves ran off with my husbands dogs sister.
The Daily Record is One of the biggest selling newspapers in Scotland, part of the Mirror group of Newspapers!
The Daily Record is One of the biggest selling newspapers in Scotland, part of the Mirror group of Newspapers!

And there lies the problem. Scaremongering to the masses. You find that the people that read the Sun, Daily Mail, Mirror etc, believe 100% of what is printed in the paper.

Hell, they've even got Liz Hurley on their website with a union jack cushion over her bits to persuade people to vote leave! As if someone is going to see that and go "Well, i was in the remain camp, but Liz with her tits out has swayed my decision to leave"

Can't trust the papers, and never will. I found the BBC program about vaping (it's benefits and actual tests) far more informative than anything you can read in the tabloids.
Any newspaper that refers to cigarettes as FAGS seriously WTF!, dont get me wrong i call them fags but for a newspaper to do so just doesn't seem right.
Unfortunately for us this is what the majority of the public see when it comes to Vaping.
The BMA are not jumping on the bandwagon, they started it.

Their prime purpose is to protect big pharma - there was a genuine concern that if too many people took up vaping too quickly some companies could go out of business, leading to a shortage of essential drugs.

The BMA was happy to sacrifice smokers, who, after all, had only themselves to blame, to protect the rest of the population.

The BMA are scum of the lowest order, but they will get their dues. In 10 or 20 years time, when the benefits of vaping are proven, all those who knew the truth but chose to lie will have to answer for the unnecessary deaths they caused.
And there lies the problem. Scaremongering to the masses. You find that the people that read the Sun, Daily Mail, Mirror etc, believe 100% of what is printed in the paper.

Hell, they've even got Liz Hurley on their website with a union jack cushion over her bits to persuade people to vote leave! As if someone is going to see that and go "Well, i was in the remain camp, but Liz with her tits out has swayed my decision to leave"

Can't trust the papers, and never will. I found the BBC program about vaping (it's benefits and actual tests) far more informative than anything you can read in the tabloids.
There are also the stories of exploding ecigs which just turn out to be complete knob jockeys that carry batteries loose in their pockets with other things.
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