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Building my first mech Squonker


Aug 3, 2017
Hi guys, I’d like some advice if possible.

I have a voopoo drag black resin, the chip died on me so I’ve stripped it out.

My plan is to change the 510 to a bottom feeder, insulate the entire inside with a thin layer of plastic, trim down the battery sled as I want to keep it and use it. Then mill out the front screen and up/down holes so you can press the 20ml squonk bottle.

I’d like to keep it fully mechanical, by running positive and negative copper around the mod,
would this work for a parallel configuration? Or should I use wires and a fet?
OK, you've got a box, you need a suitable 510 connector and the appropriate sizes of copper sheet for forming the connections, you'll also need a way to insulate positive from negative and preferably some way of incorporating springiness in to the battery terminals - at least at one end to ensure secure battery connection. This really isn't a project to be undertaken lightly as the results of a short in something like this would be a VERY fast descent into a flame venting cell. You shouldn't just try to knock something up from scavenged bits - it's a recipe for disaster, think carefully, plan carefully and then buy good quality parts for what you do need...

Frankly I wouldn't bother with this - you'll be left with a box that has random holes in it and was never actually designed for squonking...
Try a sledz-uk mech enclosure, cheap and good

Then modmaker for your 510, bottle and copper strip/actuator

You'll get it all for under £40 and it's a very easy build with that stuff since it's already got holes cut and the case is an insultor itself

Or if your wanted a nicer looking enclosure fasttech have a few resin mech Squonkers that are very easy to convert from crap to quality with a new 510 and contacts
So ive had a tinker and measured everything, i want to change the 510 to bottom fed (measures 20mm in diameter which should be easy to source), cover the inside with greay wood effect pvc sticky plastic for insulation, keep the sled and make it dual parallel, cut part of the sled so the bottle can fit and cut out the face pate so you can squonk. My only kink is the bottle size, between the sled and the edge of the mod is 11m, so i need an 11mm wide bottle but the smallest ive seen is 16mm.

Any suggestions?




This is how i imagine it will work

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