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Caravala-inapantina Copyishof something ish

u do no that is a photoshopped pics af a real 1 god knows wat the thi9ng u would get actually looks like .....
u do no that is a photoshopped pics af a real 1 god knows wat the thi9ng u would get actually looks like .....

We believe this to be an image of the actual mod
Caravela actual.jpg

No body is forcing any one why so negative ?
negative? ? u high lad? i was just stating a fact that first pic is a photoshop of a real one lol

Hey no offence taken , we been doing this a couple of years now so pretty aware of the what you see is not always what you get , but we have tried to research as best as possible , Yiloong have been around for a while and the I atty is reasonable so no reason to doubt this too much . We are also doing it at pretty much cost price , with the extra tube and atty taken into account .


Hey no offence taken , we been doing this a couple of years now so pretty aware of the what you see is not always what you get , but we have tried to research as best as possible , Yiloong have been around for a while and the I atty is reasonable so no reason to doubt this too much . We are also doing it at pretty much cost price , with the extra tube and atty taken into account .



yiloong are definitely one of the better manufacturers out there, they have never really let me down bar a few misleading claims on their part, if anything most of the products I've received from them actually turn out better than i expected, the problem with clones is that a lot of Chinese manufacturers sneakily upload pictures of the actual device being cloned rather than what they are producing i doubt anything was Photoshopped IMO its clearly a yiloong produced unit, but then again you never really know what it really looks like until its in your hands.
ayee ive checked out there other photos looks a decent one to be honest tiz just that first pic on there ali page is defo a photo shop i seen the original on vapepit a while back n if u look closely u can see were they have shopped over were the normal logo would be some clones are well done ayee just bugs me wen they upload pics of an original lol kinda false advertising on the manufacturers part lol daft things like that have always bugged me :-)
you know the third picture , is that a logo that would appear on the mod or is it like a watermark of somesort ? im sort of teetering on the fence about this one .
you know the third picture , is that a logo that would appear on the mod or is it like a watermark of somesort ? im sort of teetering on the fence about this one .


I have asked they question and also asked for some more images of the actual mod will update when i have the info.


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