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Carto burning problem

I'm using punch witch nearly every vape shop sells, one of those with the windy thing on top lol only two holes in the carto
As for the juice 70/30, should be ok its nothing out of the ordinary i don't think ?
I'm trying another carto now but this time I'm doing the suggested way and giving it a nice long soak

Lets see if we get another burn out.
One little trick I've found is drip a few drops in top when priming it then give a gentle blow (just gentle), then add a few more and blow again. Keep going til it looks like it's full up, usually do it around five times with a regular sized boge.
Saves waiting for it to soak through, works for me
I have been blowing on this as well, i did the blowing before inserting back into the tank just to stop the gurgling, i may try your suggestion
I've slipped the condom back over the end just to stop the juice from coming out, it force the excess juice to come to the top but this is slowly soaking away.
This carto is going to be well and truly primed lol
No, LR is perfect for a non VV mech mod, I still think the coil wasnt wet enough. SR cartos will suck monkey balls on a mech mod.

the things you americans do for shits and giggles ;)

ive just done another condom method...2 holes punched 70/30 juice..alls good...maybe dodgy pack of carts?
I have found the condom method works better if you punch the cartos 2 holes 180 degrees of each other first, allows better flow through filler and saturates it better.

I had this same problem with a couple Boge cartos in my last pack. Either they were duds are simply weren't soaked long enough but they were toast and unusable from the get-go.
I'm giving up, think I'm just better sticking with the ego and Evod
I have one saturated carto now the fooking thing isnt even smoking, can hear the coil burning but nothing no smoke at all ?? yes I've blown it through but still nothing.
Even more frustrated than before.
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I have tried every Clearo out there but I always come back to a dual coil carto in a tank as my everyday vape.

I am so used to them now it seems so simple.

About 20 drops, keeping the carto at 45 degrees and keep rotating it, waiting a minute between each few drops, patience is required.

Also blowing through between each few drops.

As soon as there is a hint of liquid from the hole in the side, stop.

If you flood it (nearly as bad as burning) liquid will come out the bottom, this must be blown through until there is no liquid coming out the bottom.

When filling the tank, the top end-cap of the tank must be fitted, if you fill the tank with it removed, when you subsequently fit it, the airlock will force liquid through the carto hole and flood it.

It sounds complicated but I am so used to it I can now do it in no time, blindfolded and wearing handcuffs.

Also, I have tried various cartos from various vendors, but I've found the most consistent, reliable ones have come from Totally Wicked. Not the cheapest (and other issues) but they work for me.
Thank you guys for all your help, it is really appreciated. I'm now thinking that these cartos are no good witch i have got.
If some one would like to try these, i would gladly send them along.
This filling carto lark cart be so difficult to have three failures surly, can it ?

Waspy this method you suggest was my first choice of filling method.

Funnily enough, my wife gave me a box of pre-punched Boge cartos last night. She could not get on with them because they have no flange.

Anyway, I thought I'd have a go and no flange certainly does make things difficult, I managed to empty all the liquid over my desk.

But perseveing I found the wadding inside the carto much, much less absorbant than my usual (Totally Wicked) cartos, it took ages too fill and it tasted awful, turns out it was flooded, so carto out and finger over the (huge 2.3mm) side hole and blew tons of liquid out.

Got it working now and I have to say it's a great vape.

Now Boge have a very good name but the lack of flange and the lack of absorbancy (if that's a word) in the wadding put me off, BUT they are inexpensive.

Totally Wicked cartos always work, very easily, for me anyway.

Why not try one? If you send me your address I'll bung one in the post for you.
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