I feel embarrassed to ask this but i have come to the end of my tether, these bloody cartos.
I bought a carto tank, needless to say you need some cartos so i got boge 510 LR, I was really looking forward to trying my new tank
Watched a lot of the videos that are out and about, felt ready to give this ago, then the problems starts.
Used the condom method first then tried dripping from the top to fill these. The problem is the burnt taste, its terrible.
I've already used two cartos and half a bottle of juice, as you can imagine this is becoming quite expensive
I thought there was enough juice in the cartos so i topped of some more and even given them a shake but still tastes like shite.
Can one of you knowledgeable people tell me what I'm doing wrong before i sell every thing on the classifieds.
Thank you in advance
I think most members here have cover off the majority but just to add a couple of points and provide an example. I bought some new tanks from Alba Vapours. Great tanks and they come with a cartomiser bundled with them. Now, being a stupid moron as I am, I filled it as Waspy described without so much blowing.. chuked it in the tank and vaped at around 5v.. not good it tasted like burnt plastic! Checked the Ohm on the carts and it was reading 0.8! No wonder it didn't blow up in my face! Anyway here is the point, your cartos are probably running between 1.0 & 1.5 Ohm, at a guess, so when your battery is fully charged its probably 4.0 - 4.2 volts... now if your Cartos are running at the lower end of of the Ohm level it could be burning the filler material with a battery at 4.2 volts (possibly). So it may not be the cartos fault (possibly). If you've got the means to check the Ohm rating on a variable mod it would be interesting to know.
By the way the only device that the 0.8 Ohm carto would work on was the ProVari at 3.0 volts / Chucked out the vapour though which was nice
Agree with KMS though if you've burnt the carto once, they are done and no good to anyone.
Good luck with the next batch, Boge are great as long as they are not duds... also I never found I had duds buying through iVapour Elixir or Cloud 9 but probably just the luck of the draw