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CBD VAPES by herbal tides

Let us know how she gets on. I can only rave about this product. I've stayed in contact with Dan from Herbal Tides and all the feedback should filter it's way back to him.

Ok, so it's been nearly two months since I ordered this. As soon as it arrived I pealed the lable off as I know the label art would freak her out! At first She was a bit apprehensive about using it as she was unsure about the legality of it. I showed her some research I had found about it and assured her it was 100% legal. I also explained that it was just an alternative medicine to what her dr was providing, I told her that it would just be a trial and if it didn't work then we would just look at something else.

I didnt have long to wait until she had a "bad day" so I suggested we get this out and she have a try, I filled the nautilus mini and gave it to her, she had a few puffs and immediately felt something happen, she felt more relaxed and at ease. A few more puffs and her pain dulled! She could still feel a tightness in her joints but as she said a more "dulled pain" than a piercing aching pain.

I can honestly say that this has made a 100% improvement in my wife's health she moves about more and just seems to be a happier person, the pain is not eradicated but 100% more manageable. She also loves the flavour which is a bonus, Infact she has tasked me to try and replicate the flavour in my home brew!!!

I have just ordered another bottle this time the custard flavour as I know she likes my grants custard home brew.

I just want to thank cbd vapes for giving me my wife back and giving her a life back. It has made such a difference to our family and I will be forever grateful.
Ive got menieres disease which has caused me to become depressed. Ive been looking into cbd for a while so i think im going to give this a try. Is it better to use on a mtl tank?
Excuse me for being a noob but what is the difference between 2500mg and the 20mg stuff
could someone ELI5
I'm assuming the cbd obtained from hemp will still be legal under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, the cbd oil that is produced in a lab (synthetic analogue) won't be unless it gets exempted.

Ive got menieres disease which has caused me to become depressed. Ive been looking into cbd for a while so i think im going to give this a try. Is it better to use on a mtl tank?

I started using cbd via a nextgen but drip it these days, sometimes I have too much in one go dripping, hits a bit hard and I lose an hour or two.
I've just ordered a 10ml bottle of the Blue Haze 20mg/ml (200mg). I take it, it will be OK to use with a 1.4 ohm Nature Vape Coil in a Protank? Thanks.
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