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How To Cleaning the Igo-L / Dripper


Nov 16, 2012
If you ever look at your Igo and think - Yuck or like me do some reviews and find a flavour not worthy if being burnt on your coil of vapour then keep looking.

Start with taking the top cap off:

Give it a quick rinse under running water and dry with paper towel:

Note the coil area is still full of crud / ex-juice. Dry burn it, about 3-5 seconds at a time while blowing on it (blowing seems to help):

Ta Da, ready for next juice:

My setup used 2mm Silica Wick with 0.2 Nichrome wire.

Total time, less than 2 mins.
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Am interested in how ppl wick them :) but thanks for the cleaning guide also

I only have 3mm silica and .2 kanthal
Am interested in how ppl wick them :) but thanks for the cleaning guide also

I only have 3mm silica and .2 kanthal

My IGO-L showed up already dual coiled, which was nice. I re-coiled it for the first time yesterday, in much the same fashion as it was when it arrived.


(that's odd - the pic is 468px on the edge, about 4x the size I'm seeing here in preview. YMMV.)

Comments, criticism and mockery welcome. Maybe less so with the mockery.
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