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Cleaning vape goo off windows, anyone?

I've never tried it on VG, but dishwasher tablets will get rid of most things.
went past my local vape shop today on my way to aldi and saw a young lady washing there windows just goes to show that its not just our home windows its our vape shops too..
I don’t get this problem at all with my windows, but I have to be honest and say that the outside of the windows are usually manky anyway.
I know this has been covered before but I'm bringing it up again in case anyone has some new insight because nothing seems to work.

Behold my windows, which I cleaned about a week ago:
View attachment 151754

There has to be something that will cut through whatever it is that causes this film. I've tried normal window cleaner, vinegar, bleach, washing up liquid, and WD40. They clean up fine for a few days but then the film seems to reappear.

I also can't work out if it's the PG or the VG that is the problem.

Any thoughts?
My advice would be to treat the window with an anti-mist treatment.
I found using any cleaning product to have a smearing effect even white vinegar lemon juice etc..all your doing is helping the VG/Pg gunk to water down and smear more, so dry paper towels very absorbent lifts it off very easy from my experience and get brownie points off the wife.
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