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Clones (3d dripper, squape v1 & kraken and stuff) & some t-juice concentrate


May 27, 2014
Ok well I have some bits I no longer need/want so thought I'd see what people have or want to offer

1st - Squape V1 clone
I got given this as my mate never got on with it.
I have tried it and the airflow is not really the best for me IMO (airflow goes through the 510 on these). I have drilled out the airflow on the deck but it needs the airflow hole on the 510 drilling as well imo. It does work though, just too tight a draw for me. No drip tip

2nd - Kraken FT clone
Works as it should. Not the best clone but never had any issues with it apart from it being a genny and it just annoys me you can't lay them down. No driptip

3rd - 3D Dripper FT Clone
Perfect working order

4th - T-juice concentrates
Got some colonel custard (+/- 20ml?), high voltage (+/- 20ml) and some red astaire (About 10ml but may be more). Again I got given these but I'm not one for these concentrates

5th - Skeleton wooden mech mod FT
Wouldn't recommend using this as button gets hot as fook!. Looks the part though so more of an ornament lol

NOTE: No spare O-rings will be supplied with any of the above though spare screws etc will if I can find them

What do I want?.... what have you got?. Would like a VV mod ideally (hana box/eleaf style - 20/30watt) but am open to any offers. Would prefer 1 transaction but will split if needs be
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Anyone want any of these?!?!?!?. I will split up if required or will look to sell it all on cheap if no decent swaps out there
Is the skeleton mod 1 size or does it have the option of 18350 mode?
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