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Coil recognised but not firing


Oct 23, 2018
Hi all

Drunken night out on a Friday, woke up the next morning and my vape shows every sign of firing, but no sizzle or vapour produced. Everything appears seated correctly from what I see, it’s recognising the coil and asking me to review ohms when reconnecting so it’s definitely connecting, it just doesn’t seem to do anything! Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, hoping someone has some advice as I’m at a loss and Cba to buy a new one at the moment!

more info needed
what mod, what tank, what coil, what what.
have you locked it so it wont fire.
If you've gone from Saturday morning until now not vaping it must have been a good hangover [emoji23] what mod is it? What does the screen show when you press the fire button? Got a pic?
more info needed
what mod, what tank, what coil, what what.
have you locked it so it wont fire.
Sorry didn’t even think about that. Smok Mag with a Vaporesso Cascade 0.15ohm coils. I can see the timer and voltage increasing whilst holding the trigger, but it doesn’t seem to hit the coil!
ahh smok, say no more.
not heard of this issue before so best wait for smok users.
with the cascade is it the big coils with the red trim or the NRG coils you are using.
with nrg there are two 0.15 the GT4 45-60watt ot the GT8 60-80watt
what wattage are you running at?
maybe try a dead turn off by just removing the batteries then turning on again. appart from that im not shure what else to suggest.
Haha I was out Saturday too so had to get on the dirty cigarettes I’m afraid until I’ve got this fixed!

It’s the red trim ones I think they’re 80-200w if I recall (last one in use!)

Tried the hard reboot too, I’m guessing I’ve knocked something but a bit at a loss as it’s recognising it’s existence!
I read somewhere about a smok mod that took a bang, and woudn't fire properly, though it looked ok - it kept firing and cutting off in quick succession, so the coil never heated up properly.

Edit to add: https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/495778/Smok+X-Priv+will+not+heat+up+coil

A few posts down. Apparently the timer kept resetting, so may be different to your problem. I keep hearing bad things about smok's QC, but never had a problem myself.
Hmm. Could be that but it looks like it’s firing whenever the trigger is held. I took a video but it’s too large to upload! Assume there wasn’t a fix on that post?
with large videos you could upload to youtube and then post the link here.
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