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Coils- WTF am i doing wrong?

Either that photo isn't helping or it's a honking lump of metal in that coil which is probably causing the heat issues :) And as mitz says, the wrap is straight...

Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 2.23.36 am.png
Think @Mitz is saying not all aliens are actually aliens. Bit like Clapton's can also be used to describe any coil with a wrap. Mass produced fancy coils can be hit or miss, quality wise.
Some manufacturers call their coils "alien" when they're not actually alien. As John's picture above shows, a true alien coil has a wave pattern.

Also, that coil is 22ga flat with 32ga wrap all in Kanthal. Horrible. Ditch it for some of this 22/36 Ni80....


Thanks for the advice and I will take it but i have already ordered some more pre-made coils so i will wait for them to arrive and see what they are like . When i do buy some wire though i will revisit this thread and buy that product. This is what i am waiting for, I am sure they are crap too!
s-l1600 (1).jpg
I have got a demon killer flat twisted .36 ohm in my serpent mini, no spitting and really good flavour .
Don't know how long it will last but give em a try,if they don't work for you at least you can practice your builds and wicks.
I occasionally wind my coils the wrong way for a particular deck, and cos I'm lazy I usually still use them. @Hedders when you first installed the coil was the coiling rod/screwdriver still in the coil? To me it looks like you've wither not used one, or removed the rod before tightening the screws, this will allow the coil to distort. Use a rod and leave it in, position the coil slightly lower than its final position, tighten screws, then with the rod still in place, lift, and if necessary twist the coil into position. Should still be uniform and straight, works for me. Try and use the correct sized rod for the coil too.

Oh and I've yet to have a pre wrapped spool of Alien wire that actually is Alien, and I've bought a few. Usually fused or flat claptons.
I did wrap the coil around a 'rod' (small screwdriver) but i dont think i used the rod to hold it in place while i was fitting it. With the way i was having to manipulate the coil i was finding the whole process very fiddly and ended up a right old mess!

My second attempt after rewinding the coil was much better, i have been trying some different flavours out and just changing the cotton when i change flavour. I can see the coil is now much blacker than it was but I dont think it needs changing yet, I could be wrong, not sure :)
(five minutes later)
HHmmm, actually i have just changed juices and cotton again and i dont seem to be getting any flavour at all this time. Plenty of vapour though so the wick is fine. Is that a sign that the coil needs changing already??

ETA: Ok, i am confused now! I have put in a fresh coil and wick and I still am not getting any bloody flavour..I did forget to turn the power down when i initially fired it up to draw the juice into the fresh cotton, so i was doing that at about 60watts. I guess i could have just burned the coil immediately?
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It's all trial and error until you find the sweet spot for the tank and coil,a coil can last ages,if it starts losing flavour it's probably gunked up ,just pull the wick out and dry fire it about 20 watts until it burns the crap off then give it a little clean with a vape wire brush,rewick and juice it,should be ok.
If your flavours are similar there's no need to rewick ,just finish the juice or empty it then vape a few times to dry the wick,best on lower wattage so cotton don't burn then rejuice and try.
I rewick when it's black.
About your problem with no flavour, is your coil as close to the deck as poss without causing a short, is your wick the right thickness,should only have a little resistance when pulling through and is it cut to the right length, too short and tank will leak,too long and it won't pick up the juice.
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