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COVID-19: UK reports 11,625 new cases and another 27 coronavirus-related deaths


  1. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

I'm not convinced that something that only offers partial or a percentage of efficacy fits the definition of the term?

If your immune system is fucked a vaccine probably won't help.
A quick search says smallpox vaccine had 95% efficacy.
The vaccines don’t necessarily stop you getting Covid, but they’re very effective at preventing people getting severe symptoms, requiring hospitalisation or dying. It’s not a perfect scenario, but when most poorer countries don’t have access to vaccines at all yet, we’re better off than most.
Must admit, I'm a little bit confused. They keep saying that because deaths aren't rising significantly in line with the new spike of delta variant infections, it means the vaccines are working. BUT... someone correct me if I'm wrong please... the current rise in cases has largely been in the younger age groups - the 7 to 24 year olds. Less deaths should be expected in this age range anyway and 95% of them are unvaccinated. So how is the infection rate and death rate even comparable right now? Not for a second I'm I knocking the vaccines but comparing current trends with previous trends is all a bit apples and oranges, no?

Any, yes, it's a vaccine, imho. A vaccine doesn't have to be 100% effective at preventing infections to be considered a vaccine. The covid vaccines perfectly fit the description Mr. Ripple posted above. As far as I know, no other vaccine has been rolled out mid-global pandemic with only pockets of vaccinated people in the face of mass global infections and a constantly mutating virus. It's also the first ever vaccine dealing with a Coronavirus. Just my opinion, of course.
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Must admit, I'm a little bit confused. They keep saying that because deaths aren't rising significantly in line with the new spike of delta variant infections, it means the vaccines are working. BUT... someone correct me if I'm wrong please... the current rise in cases has largely been in the younger age groups - the 7 to 24 year olds. Less deaths should be expected in this age range anyway and 95% of them are unvaccinated. So how is the infection rate and death rate even comparable right now? Not for a second I'm I knocking the vaccines but comparing current trends with previous trends is all a bit apples and oranges, no?

If the vaccines were not working then the rise in cases would not be concentrated in the young and unvaccinated.
Must admit, I'm a little bit confused. They keep saying that because deaths aren't rising significantly in line with the new spike of delta variant infections, it means the vaccines are working. BUT... someone correct me if I'm wrong please... the current rise in cases has largely been in the younger age groups - the 7 to 24 year olds. Less deaths should be expected in this age range anyway and 95% of them are unvaccinated. So how is the infection rate and death rate even comparable right now? Not for a second I'm I knocking the vaccines but comparing current trends with previous trends is all a bit apples and oranges, no?

i think what they mean is that the vaccines must be working, because the older people who would have been more at risk, but are now mostly vaccinated, are not catching it, no? makes sense.

ninja’d by the @oldhippydude
i think this “the vaccine isn’t a real vaccine” thing that people come out with must have started with the anti vax nutters and filtered into the mainstream. it makes no sense, but i see a lot of people seem to say it.
i think this “the vaccine isn’t a real vaccine” thing that people come out with must have started with the anti vax nutters and filtered into the mainstream. it makes no sense, but i see a lot of people seem to say it.
I got it from the dictionaries definition of the word.
The definition of the word does not imply partial or make any reference to a percentage.
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