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Covid19 and the great reset


Bizarre speech from Johnson pre covid talking about smart cities and nano technology in medicine.
Seems he's already got 'anti vaxxers' on his mind.
In 2030, You Won't Own Any Gadgets
Victoria Song
Owning things used to be simple. You went to the store. You paid money for something, whether it be a TV, clothes, books, toys, or electronics. You took your item home, and once you paid it off, that thing belonged to you. It was yours. You could do whatever you wanted with it. That’s not how it is today, and by 2030, technology will have advanced to the point that even the idea of owning objects might be obsolete.


Back in 2016, the World Economic Forum released a Facebook video with eight predictions it had for the world in 2030. “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy,” it says. “Whatever you want, you’ll rent. And it’ll be delivered by drone.”

“Everything you considered a product, has now become a service,” reads another WEF essay published on Forbes. “We have access to transportation, accommodation, food, and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.”

I think the plan is for the proles to own nothing while technological giants and elites control everything.
Sounds a bit like communism......lol

We've been heading this way for a long time, most people don't own their car any more. Ownership of things like films, music and books has been slowing for years. Clothes are almost a disposable product made to last 'one season' ... and of course home ownership is completely off the radar for many.

Owning 'stuff' doesn't make people happy, maybe we would be better off without it all? most of it is just clutter and crap if we are honest.
We've been heading this way for a long time, most people don't own their car any more. Ownership of things like films, music and books has been slowing for years. Clothes are almost a disposable product made to last 'one season' ... and of course home ownership is completely off the radar for many.

Owning 'stuff' doesn't make people happy, maybe we would be better off without it all? most of it is just clutter and crap if we are honest.

the next step is to abolish money, seize the means of production, defund the rich, install a dictatorship of the proletariat and return all things to the common wealth. from each according to ability, to each according to need.

this will put an end to more than half of the world’s population starving and living in poverty and will also improve relations between mankind. it will also hopefully put an end to the whining of entitled moaners about freedom. :)
the next step is to abolish money, seize the means of production, defund the rich, install a dictatorship of the proletariat and return all things to the common wealth. from each according to ability, to each according to need.

this will put an end to more than half of the world’s population starving and living in poverty and will also improve relations between mankind. it will also hopefully put an end to the whining of entitled moaners about freedom. :)

I'm half sold. :D
the problem with the freedom whiners is that they seem to want the status quo to continue. the elites are shitting a brick because their privileged position is untenable. there is a world full of starving people due to their obscene accumulation of wealth. crap like this great reset is just a means of trying to stave off a mass revolution which will likely end with their heads on spikes somewhere. but the whiners think it is some kind of all encompassing plan to enslave humanity, as though most of it isn’t enslaved already. they have an extremely poor analysis of current events. :)
the next step is to abolish money, seize the means of production, defund the rich, install a dictatorship of the proletariat and return all things to the common wealth. from each according to ability, to each according to need.

this will put an end to more than half of the world’s population starving and living in poverty and will also improve relations between mankind. it will also hopefully put an end to the whining of entitled moaners about freedom. :)

It's that install a dictatorship of the proletariat bit that has me concerned. I thought that was a long name for Conservative.
It's that install a dictatorship of the proletariat bit that has me concerned. I thought that was a long name for Conservative.

i think there is long standing confusion about what dictatorship of the proletariat means. this has led to quite serious problems in the past.
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