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Covid19 and the great reset

No I don't vote so I tend to stay away from those kind of threads and things weren't that great for me around that time so i wouldn't have been on forums much at all.
It's better to say what you believe to be the truth whether it's popular or not and if you're not banned or censored for it then you know you're in a good place.

sorry to hear things weren't too great for you

but your response to my question, answers it quite well

I think if you can state your belief, remain calm & respectful also helps
(also pisses some people off slightly more too)
I'm not following this, to be honest, I don't mean to be flippant or degrade what has been written here

the great reset is concerning a virus that's killing and infecting people, that's what a virus does, linking it to a control of the world population and excluding the other viruses out there seems optimistic, as when the covid virus goes away and it will in time you still have these

hiv/aids 36 million deaths and still no cure

standard flu every year kills 100's of thousands of deaths

1918 Spanish flu death rate 1% of the planet's population (this model is pretty well accurate the second wave killed more than the first)

measles from 2000 to 2018 23.2 million deaths

ebola 25% to 90% fatality

it remains to be seen how many people will die from covid 19 or until will get covid 23 or avian flu 25 but the biggest killer is the press the internet and social media I'm seeing more people suffer from mental health issues than anything else those issues can be bigger and wider than the covid problem
If this pandemic ends up being the catalyst for a 4th industrial revolution, that in itself becomes the catalyst for an eventual money free utopian world where every job that can be automated is automated, where only creativity requires human input and people do it because they want to rather than need to, all presided over by a benevolent dictatorship governed by an AI, completely removing the human weakness of greed from the equation...

...then bring it on, and I, for one, welcome the new AI overlord. :)
i went at him with a piece of fruit but he got angry, i think he’s just had his monthly bath.
this article on conspiracy theory from james meek is very good (albeit a bit long but definitely worth a read).


very interesting

you know if I wanted to take over the world and control the population I would set it up to start with a very addictive handheld device one that could in time replace money by just waving it at a terminal, that would be connected to family and friends to be able to be so absorbing that you couldn't put it down it would become part of you, you could communicate, shop with it, find your future partner with it, but it would have a darker side it would watch you, monitor everything you looked at, locating you anywhere on the planet and everyone would have a form of it they would be permanently like the matrix "jacked in" I wouldn't need a virus that kills I would need control but of course, this would never happen .......hang on wait a moment
We must prepare for an angrier world.

Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, discusses his new book "Covid-19: The Great Reset."
I'm not following this, to be honest, I don't mean to be flippant or degrade what has been written here

the great reset is concerning a virus that's killing and infecting people, that's what a virus does, linking it to a control of the world population and excluding the other viruses out there seems optimistic, as when the covid virus goes away and it will in time you still have these

hiv/aids 36 million deaths and still no cure

standard flu every year kills 100's of thousands of deaths

1918 Spanish flu death rate 1% of the planet's population (this model is pretty well accurate the second wave killed more than the first)

measles from 2000 to 2018 23.2 million deaths

ebola 25% to 90% fatality

it remains to be seen how many people will die from covid 19 or until will get covid 23 or avian flu 25 but the biggest killer is the press the internet and social media I'm seeing more people suffer from mental health issues than anything else those issues can be bigger and wider than the covid problem

Tim Pool might explain it a little better...

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