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Tim Pool might explain it a little better...
can you maybe put a disclaimer when you post rubbish like this? some unsuspecting people might actually watch it.
Tim Pool might explain it a little better...
can you maybe put a disclaimer when you post rubbish like this? some unsuspecting people might actually watch it.
I thought the bit where I said MIGHT explain it better - would be sufficient
At no point did I say I endorse this view, nor do I buy into this reset stuff
(and stated in my earlier responses)
Everybody seems to have a slight different take on what the "Great Reset" is
and I'm not going to watch a fairly long clip of somebody going on about their theory/conspiracy
But 12 mins might be a little more bearable to watch if anybody wants to watch yet another opinion/theory/conspiracy about what the World Economic Forum said and what it might mean & implications etc...
Of course people can agree/disagree, formulate their own opinions or whatever they wish
Or wait to be informed by some source they completely trust & accept that blindly
Than read opinions on both sides & formulate their own view/opinions themselves
Me personally I don't think there will be a Great Reset on the financial side of things
The world will alter slightly - it already has begun, but no there won't be a massive Great Reset imho
The financial industry, the everyday transactions, it was ever changing bit by bit anyway
Even before COVID-19, we was using less & less cash & more online transactions/e-banking than say 10 years ago
But when this pandemic hit, it accelerated the way we work, they way we spend etc...
They way we conduct business/finance will continue to evolve but I doubt there will be a "Great Reset"
the world economic forum want to continue to appropriate as much wealth as possible from the poor majority and transfer it to rich people. i don’t think i would consider it a conspiracy, despite what schwab writes in his book and other things they publish etc. i think this is pretty self evident.
to look a bit closer, it seems clear to me that they also want to make life as precarious as possible for the poor majority. they have a number of motivations for this. again, i think it’s fairly self evident and there has been a lot written about this that sets out what is happening clearly with evidence and references.
i don’t think conspiracy theories are necessary or useful.
That sounds like constipation
Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Build back better eh.
AAAAANNNNNNDDDD if you look a @vapesmarter post it was referring to the virus/disease
controlling the population itself - or how I interpreted it mentioning all the other virus/diseases
Now there are some people who think the Great Reset is more like resetting the population
or like a culling of the world's over-population issue hence the reason for my response
I don't quite think he seriously believes the reset/cull theory likely pushed by haters of bill Gates
But more like his (vapesmarter's) concerns over there will always be ongoing diseases etc...
and despite all this, people's mental health & well being is suffering (I agree)
So I posted a clip about the WEF's Reset
I bet even Boris struggles to understand that jargon filled bullshittercrapfest.
I'm going to browse the NHS white paper of 1944 for some light, intelligent reading.