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Daily Mail Article - Ecig explodes in Car

This worries me. It doesn't matter how bullshit it is because thousands of people dint readrhisforum but they read the daily mail.

Also, maybe he doesn't mean the liquid leaked while it was on the battery. Maybe it means the liquid leaked from the ce clearo (which we know it can) and when it was charging, the liquid that leaked into or onto the battery, caught fire.

That little bit of liquid in the threading would NOT cause that kind of fire, as it burns off quickly. I know this because when I make my mesh wicks, I douse them in e-liquid and light them on fire. They burn so quickly that its literally a second or two before the flame goes out.

The liquid would have had to of pooled up in at least 3-4ml in order for a venting battery to catch that on fire.

Besides the point anyways. It's full of holes this story. There are too many holes that real vapers can jump through to prove the story is a farce.

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I find loads wrong with that article.
It says he was charging it in the front socket, it exploded and landed in the back, and took out the front visor / s enroute. If this was the case, why does the battery appear to have only heat damage on it, and no sign of explosive damage.
If it was the cause, why is there no fire damge to it. I would have been at the centre of the fire damage, and would have been charred, yet the top still looks on the shiny side.
Like someone already said, that fire was caused by something else. The ecig just happened to be there and got the blame.
Sorry to rant. But just had another read.
Question; What did he connect the battery to if it was that, cos it only comes with a usb charger.
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Daily Fail in full on idiot spin mode...

He has had two previous, cheaper e-cigarettes blow up while charging

The firm's website warns users not to leave the cigarettes unattended as they charge up, which can take around four hours.

Reading that article (although I didn't bother reading all of it) is hilarious! I couldn't help thinking it was a torch job gone wrong, and because the insurance company and the gavvers were sniffing around, he blamed it on the e-fag.

That's my warped opinion anyways.
Even if all of this were taken at face value, the obvious question is why, when he's had 2 batteries explode whilst charging, did he leave another unattended on charge in his car.

It also begs the question what's he doing in particular that makes him so prone to battery explosions in such a short time - that's either a very unlucky or very stupid chap.
I put a comment on there and it's not showing up, I guess they don't pick ones that suggest they are being sensationalist and then question the evidence they've given!!!

That said, I'd guess about 90% of replies are that he didn't follow the battery charging instructions and so he's an idiot!

paper .jpg
Reading that article (although I didn't bother reading all of it) is hilarious! I couldn't help thinking it was a torch job gone wrong, and because the insurance company and the gavvers were sniffing around, he blamed it on the e-fag.

That's my warped opinion anyways.
I reckon that's closer to the truth Midnight
Even if all of this were taken at face value, the obvious question is why, when he's had 2 batteries explode whilst charging, did he leave another unattended on charge in his car.

It also begs the question what's he doing in particular that makes him so prone to battery explosions in such a short time - that's either a very unlucky or very stupid chap.
Or one after the insurance money ...
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