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Daily Mail slags electronic cigarettes - again

It's a terrible outfit the Daily Mail, the biggest danger is that some of their idiot readers will believe anything that they are told

That is absolutely true Terry, and I can give a perfect example...

My mum had a total knee replacement in August. I phoned her about a month after the operation* and she said she was in pain. I asked her what was up, and she said she had stopped taking her painkillers. WTF mother dear? exclaimed myself. Well, I read in the paper that you can get nasty headaches if you take XXXX for too long. "Not if you're in pain you won't, because they are doing their job and you can't become dependent - what they are talking about is taking stuff unnecessarily and then experiencing withdrawal, so you take another pill to get rid of the pain!". It took me an hour to explain why it was a bloody good idea not to f*ck about with prescribed medication.

Where did she read such medical advice? Yup, the Daily Mail!

* I must point out that I am not a totally shite son, I do phone her on a regular basis - but this particular conversation took place a month after her operation! :18:

EDIT: I've just realised that I've implied my mum is an idiot - she's not, but she will take "a recent research project has shown" as "it has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, and endorsed by God himself", rather than "Keep taking your prescribed medication and phone your son or daughter-in-law who have the necessary knowledge to steer you back onto the right path!".
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But new research has found electronic cigarettes don't in fact help quit smoking and they still posed a potentially serious health risk because they contained nicotine.

no shi* sherlock this kind of piece really does piss me off
What they don't say is there aren't any of the really harmful chemicals like arsenic and formaldehyde etc in there !!!!
Well, I've submitted my comments, and await with anticipation to see if they are published! I'm not holding my breath though!
Thanks OP for drawing our attention to this typical example of mis-information.
For the record, in case it is not published, here is my submission :_
"As an ex-smoker of 35+ years who has been using e-cigarettes (although I don't approve of the nomenclature here!) for over 3 months, during which time I have smoked one cigarette, I would roundly disagree with your token and badly-reported article.
If your reporters were any good they would have given us a clue as to the source of this 'new research'. And why do you concentrate on the un-substantiated quotes from an Italian scientist who is quoted as saying -
'We have to have a prudent approach towards this product .. we know little about its worth in stopping people smoking ..'
If the Italian Observatory on Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Use don't know much about this new technology, why make such a big deal of it just to fill a few column inches on a slow news day when thousands of smokers have started their quest for a healthier lifestyle without tobacco!?
I will continue to use my PV (Personal Vapouriser) with the nicotine-infused juice to stay away from tobacco.
AndyB - Cornwall"
Well, I've submitted my comments, and await with anticipation to see if they are published! I'm not holding my breath though!
Thanks OP for drawing our attention to this typical example of mis-information.

The crazy thing is that there are thousands of vapers out there who will look at it and call BS on the article, basically what these arseholes at the Daily Mail are saying is that electronic cigarettes do not help smokers quit when there will be loads of us saying, "wait a minute I used them and haven't touched one since."

It is complete and utter crap, that is what it is, and hopefully most people will be able to see through the BS. The Mail had zero credibility in the first place, this just underlines that fact.
This link on the site Bryan lists made me laugh a lot! Two distinct categories - things that cause cancer and things that cure it! Brilliant!
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