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Dangerous illegal vapes

What I find amazing in that article is there is no mention of where those vapes were bought let alone what was being done about it.
What I find amazing in that article is there is no mention of where those vapes were bought let alone what was being done about it.

1/ Newsagents, corner shops, convenience stores, market stalls, mobile phone repair shops.

2/ Nothing it seems.
There's no shortage of these kind of stories, youth know better, don't listen to the evidence and blindly stagger on regardless. Personally I'm done with this stuff, there's no educating pork, so have at it bunty. The consequences are all yours to own.
Exactly. Kids who are so inclined will always do stupid stuff they're not supposed to.

Ban legal disposables and they'll still easily find a way to buy the illegally imported ones.
I`m glad they left the hysteria behind and stuck to the subject matter..
As for the illegal vapes I reckon there is no solution, it`s gone too deep, to good an opportunity to make money.
Strikes me they had two lads they could have asked where did you buy them and then send trading standards or whoever round but it seems hey ho why bother.
Strikes me they had two lads they could have asked where did you buy them and then send trading standards or whoever round but it seems hey ho why bother.
Makes you wonder dunnit, next thing they`ll be solving crimes :)
It’s a school in Kidderminster that’s 40 mins from me I know kiddy due to shopping etc however the illegal vapes hmm to put your house in order 3 stabbings in the last few months involving teenagers not headline bbc news just another stabbing a non news story…

counterfeit vapes being made using cheap stuff well who would of thought it we did all say this would happen but also there are other things to consider that’s sold on the street market like fake perfume that’s like paint stripper, fake batteries that blow up, fake under the counter booze with added methanol, fake wine a few years ago with antifreeze, plus fake eye makeup that blinds it’s wearer with that oh la la fake lip fillers but of course fake vapes the big killer the now story. The west is full of fake stuff but our never ending strife to pay cheaper for more plastic fake shite has become our undoing.
What I find amazing in that article is there is no mention of where those vapes were bought let alone what was being done about it.

I was at a certain show the other week and whilst setting up I had to walk through it to go to the lav I was approached by a rep of a disposable company who asked if I was interested I said I was exhibiting and WTF would I want to buy some cheap shit assed goods….he scuttled off was I amazed by this no not really in this market there are a lot of bigger fish the problem is those fish have many teeth and circle in packs
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