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Dangerous illegal vapes

Personally, I find the government’s response the most disheartening… 3 decades of neoliberalism has dismantled the public services there to protect us. Has anyone considered how much illegal food is imported f ex? And have they completely given up on patent protection and knockoffs? What about the lack of funding for environmental protection? History is rife with private companies doing often irreparable damage without public supervision. Just having laws and blustering on the news is not good enough, funding and enforcement are the key to making any progress. But the politicians protect those that they are there to protect us against :clapping:

Ban something, and bairns will want it even more.
I remember bangers being banned at school, and showing folk the bangers in my pocket and feeling cool as fuck. Throwing a banger into school assembly made you a hero! :10:
Ban something, and bairns will want it even more.
I remember bangers being banned at school, and showing folk the bangers in my pocket and feeling cool as fuck. Throwing a banger into school assembly made you a hero! :10:

why would he have half a pound of sausages in his pocket.....ahhh yes bangers i remember now.....
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