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Did it take you more than one attempt to switch?

I actually think researching the kit too much is off-putting to a newbie. It is just so complicated at first glance.
I agree trying to wade through all of the options can be pretty off-putting! I think that's where coming to forums or going to vape shops for advice and guidance is really helpful, because it does seem like getting good gear is important for successfully quitting.

And thanks again for the responses and advice everyone :)
I would make a bet that those vapers that successfully "make the switch" are those that are the most carefree and make the least effort.
Quitting smoking is difficult, whether it be via regular NRT or via vaping, both require far too much will power.
"Changing" rather than "Quitting" is sooooooooooooo much easier and nothing is more easier than changing your smoking habit to a vaping habit.
Smoke and Vape, Vape and Smoke, and let the magic work all by itself.
I would also make a bet that most "failed vapers" are those that try vaping and expect an instant miracle cure.
Over the years, since the beginning of POTV, there's been quite a few Apes that have really struggled and I reckon 99% of those are now happy, non smoking, vapers, just by taking the pressure off, plugging away, a few fags, a bit of vaping, a few more fags a bit more vaping up to the point where there's just no more time in the day to have a ciggie as all the time has been used up by chuffing away at the juice.
"Changing" rather than "Quitting" is sooooooooooooo much easier and nothing is more easier than changing your smoking habit to a vaping habit.
Smoke and Vape, Vape and Smoke, and let the magic work all by itself.
I would also make a bet that most "failed vapers" are those that try vaping and expect an instant miracle cure.

This comes up time and time again, not just in vaping but changing any habits - for losing weight it's easier to substitute more veggies for junk food, rather than go on a crazy starvation diet, as one example. I think once you accept that it's bloody hard and you only have a finite stock of willpower in a way the path becomes a little Clearer!
i'm two or three weeks into vaping after being a 40 roll ups a day smoker for the last 30 or so years (i did swap cigarettes for sweets 20 or so years ago for a couple of months)

i'd been contemplating giving up smoking for about a year due to coughing as much as smoking along with being out of breath at the slightest hint of any exertion, plus all my rollies were starting to taste crap

the problem i was facing was an anxiety of having nothing in my face and possible nicotine withdrawal (the hand to mouth also needed a replacement comforter) i then heard a couple of friends talking on irc (private server/chatroom) about thier mods/atomisers/juices and posting up links to different stuff so i started taking notice, this went on for a couple of weeks with me putting in the odd question here and there and looking at the posted links

after a while i started to seriously contemplate getting some bits myself and asked advice from them, they immediately stepped up and offered me various bits as donations for me to try out and see how i get on, the one chap sent me an Istick 40w TC with a Nautilus mini and the other one sent me a little dripper with some wire and bits to build my own coils/wicking along with a few sample 6mg juices to try to see if i'd like it

i had all the bits in my hands by 1.30 friday when the postie knocked the door, by 2.00 i'd got juice in the tank and coughed a lung up on my first draw, time to rethink how i drew on it so took it a little more cautiously and settled my throat into the menthol hit a little more gently, i didn't have another rollup until 7.00pm

that was the last cigarette i have smoked, i don't see me going back to tobacco (although i do have little cravings which are easily beaten), i am building my own coils for the dripper both in kanthal and nickel, i've also started making my own juices up (simple single flavours at present) to help keep costs down (i do also suffer from shinyitus so my cost reduction will be negated with buying drippers/tanks/different flavours etc')

one final thing here, the only reason a person will give up tobacco is thier personal desire to has to be strong, no matter how much other people want you to give up it will have no effect, the smoker has to want to quit

2.5 weeks tobacco free and counting, let me get another 50 weeks out of the way and we'll know for sure
Welcome to POTV @jacklebeau.
I started vaping 3rd of March 2013. I was 33 and on that day I had a hip replacement, I was told I would be in hospital for about a week and as I was a 20 a day smoker so turned to vaping for my stay. I only stayed 2 nights and never went back to cigarettes! So it was a first attempt for me.
I've helped a few people change to vaping after they were put off from their first attempt, most of them were using the wrong strength nicotine coughing like mad and gave up trying.
For advice I've said to a lot of people that if your used to smoking B&H and buy a pack of Marlboro or L&B you notice the difference so people looking to swap can be put off if they don't find the right flavour tobacco straight away. What helped me was using different flavours such as Red Bull or fizzy trifle, it was a novelty for me and helped take my mind off the switch. And your clothes don't stink.[emoji4]
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for the Smoker's Angel/Ashtray Blog giving some advice to people who've had difficulty switching, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch. Was wondering if some of you lovely people might have some insight!

Did it take you more than one go to switch to vaping? If so, what was it that finally helped you make to switch?

Do you know other people who've struggled to switch or were dual users at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

And - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be much appreciated! Also, if there's anything else you have to add that's relevant, feel free!


P.S. Sorry if this should have gone in the newbie area

It took me 3 or 4 tries before I quit!

The problem, as I finally realised (and have noticed in others struggling to switch), is that it's easy to expect Vaping to be similar in taste and sensation to smoking. This isn't the case - it different and takes some getting used to, in my opinion.
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for the Smoker's Angel/Ashtray Blog giving some advice to people who've had difficulty switching, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch. Was wondering if some of you lovely people might have some insight!

Did it take you more than one go to switch to vaping? If so, what was it that finally helped you make to switch?

Do you know other people who've struggled to switch or were dual users at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

And - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be much appreciated! Also, if there's anything else you have to add that's relevant, feel free!


P.S. Sorry if this should have gone in the newbie area
This time was my 2nd, partly due to enjoying those longer dutch/jamaican style roll ups if you get me.
My advice is simple
1 be prepared for a couple of weeks of possible side effects, ie thirst, naybe headsaches which are caused through using to much nicotineie the nicotine mg is to much.
2 buy some decent kit ie something at least 20 watts ie istick 20-50 watss with either a aspire nautilus or a kanger protank, or if you want to jump a bit further try an aspire atlantis or eleaf ijust2 tank
3 do plenty of research about using devicesand side effects which all usually pass after a couple of weeks.
4 once you have got going and realise vaping is for you buy another set up. Why?. So you always have one charged ready for use while another charges unless you get a device with removable batteries, this will incur the cost of spare batteries and a good charger.
5 over time you save money and your health, plus you can make it cheap by going on and learning how to make your own eliquid for at least 4 times less money.
6 and most important youmust be fully prepared to give up cigarettes and get some support from other vapers as they understand more than most what you are doing and can often give advice.
used cig a likes alongside the fags for a little while as i couldnt be bothered to go outside of a evening for a fag, once i decided to try it full time my theory was to spend a reasonable amount on kit and juice(£90... was a lot for me) as i thought that would encorage me to give it proper go this was the begining of May and i havent touched a fag since
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