Sure, but this thread is about Mike Yeadon and looking at what he is saying.
Whereas Patrick Valance is saying the pandemic is just getting started this guy is saying it has peaked and is more or less over.
We see stories citing large spikes in hospital admissions but in reality this happens every year and its around average for most areas of the UK. If you can prove otherwise be my guest.
Similarly if you want to look at what others are saying in the same field go for it but I'd rather this thread was kept to discussing the actual topic of the thread and how the official figures back up what he is saying.
Folks can do that by actually listening to what he is saying and then making an informed comment on what they've heard.
My main point is that expertise is required in order to make an informed decision.
If we have the expertise ourselves, we can make up our own minds.
But seeing as most of us don't, we have to look to people who do for guidance.
Here we have an expert saying something that opposes another expert. He might be right, he might not be, and *we are not in a position to make that judgement*.
He (or his opponent) might be misinterpreting the data, and there might be factors he (or his opponent) are neglecting to consider.
So, the first question an enquiring mind should ask is what do all the other experts think?
Is this man alone in his views, or does he reflect the views of a large proportion of the experts?
People can be quick to jump to conclusions based on one man's view, and that can be dangerous, as we found out with the whole vaccines cause autism nonsense.
Even if what he says sounds valid to you, you have to be careful not to let any bias come into any decision making.
So, regardless of what he says, or how convincing it sounds, this one man's view isn't very useful.
We have to weigh up all the evidence. And we don't have the expertise to do it ourselves (regardless of how intelligent we think we are, we have to be careful of the Dunning-Kruger effect), so we listen to the consensus view of experts.
In other words, if we can't trust the experts, why trust this one?