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I think he might be hinting that it was "rigged" i thought the bj's you were giving out for free were out of kindness not for votes?!

Ah right, well I don't know if that's what he did mean for sure.

But if that is what he meant, I dunno what to say.... Publish the results for all to see? I fucking give up, it just gets better [emoji20]
Now this really is well deserved.....well done lee.... only one i've tried is liquid doughnut and only prob i had was IT DID'NT LAST VERY LONG .. nom nom nom
I don't get it?! [emoji15]
I'm guessing it's a friendly, knowing reference to another thread where there has been much speculation about a competition being rigged and our illustrious juicemeister also won something.

If I read it wrong I'll take back the like I gave it. :hmm:
Im really hoping that that isnt what i think it is.....however, if it is then let me explain....

When myself and @junglist spoke about this, the first thing i said to Hedley was that i didnt want anybody thinking that this vote was in anyway a bit wonky or "rigged" in any way, mainly because of the vendors that are in my signature below. And because of this, i didnt nominate and i wasnt going to vote. @junglist assured me that it was ok to vote, and so i did. I think that its fair to say that i voted for @Dripworx

Now, im pretty sure that @Dripworx didnt win by one vote.....My vote wasnt the one that made @Dripworx win.....

Everybody had the opportunity to vote (one member one vote comrade :) ) and im pretty certain that you can only vote once.

If you wish to see the actual members that voted, then my suggestion is that you contact @junglist and ask to see the actual voting. Now, im not sure if this is allowed or not, but to be honest it wouldnt bother me in the slightest.

Also, its worth noting that i am not a moderator/staff member, and don't have any special privileges on here......I am just a member with a high post count who said to Hedley that i would start and run the 'vendor of the month' thread again, as both @junglist and @OccultScientist are both busy.

I hope that this helps, but as i said earlier, if you think that the voting was wonky in anyway, please contact @junglist directly.
We all know that Lee won by buying his votes with various sexual favours and giving out his juice for free, his win had nothing to do with is osum customer service and amazing juice because its common knowledge on here that he's a fucking cunt, makes shit juice and treats his "business associates" like a Chinese sweatshop workers.
I'm sure the guy who posted it, placebo domingo or whatever his fucking name is will be along when he next visits to clarify his post and we should perhaps wait until then before we tar and feather him :D

Meanwhile he's jiggin' in the riggin'!!!! We can now make all sorts of naughty nautical references, Seaman Staines, Roger the Cabin Boy and all the rest of the famous urban legend...........
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