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Ever vaped a fly?


Mar 21, 2022
A fly crawled into my attie overnight......you can guess what happened. The taste was indescribable. I've started sticking bits of kitchen paper or cotton in them. Anyone else had a similar experience or have any other way of preventing this? Maybe I'm just being paranoid but it's definitely not an experience I want to repeat.
I know an old lady who swallowed a fly.
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Perhaps she’ll die.

Trouble is, you never know how these things will end.
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I have a fear of creepy crawlers getting in my Vape or anything else, i sit coins on top of the Drip Tip when i leave them overnight. Less messing about, i have also used e-liquid bottle caps as well.
A bee hit my tonsils and made me do an emergency stop and throw up back in '81 when I was thrashing my old Yammy XS650 on the A30. After that I'm not too worried about a fly.

I've spotted one landing on drip tip a couple of times - I just kill the fly, change drip tips, wash the old one and bung it in the ultrasonic.

I don't get too paranoid about flies, generally if one gets into my place I just open a window to let the annoying little shit out - if more come in it's close the windows and doors, then it's fly spray time - they had their chance to leave.
I use RDAs so its easy for me i just take the cap off the RDA and check when my mod has been sitting around.
RTA's i can imagine you seeing them doing the Back Stroke through the glass.
silicone drip tip covers is the answer, used to be able to get them cheap from fasttech...Im sure you still can from other places
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