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Fasttech Kraken...

Hmm would a clone kraken and a clone gamma v2 be an equal swap? I think that's what I'm looking for, weird reason why I'd want another gennie but decided not to give up, just wanna try with an easier deck

I started with a Smok RSST. Really easy to set up and customise if needed and cheap.
Its nothing to do with setting the coil up, or airflow, just wicking, and I'm not an expert on gennie but surely the rsst cant wick better than the kraken, as it has nothing to do with the atty does it? (o_O) and as for fasttech yeah its only £9 but I always say you pay for the wait with fasttech
Have you tried it with a cotton wick,its awesome,you never get a dry hit,best genny around imo.
mesh wrapped round a needle for a straw wick , nudge coils around, job done ;)
Yeah gonna cotton it up later, is that single or dual? And with microcoil?
0.25 twisted coil,5 wraps on a 2.5mm drill bit comes at about 1ohm,make sure cotton is really loose in the coil,works every time for me,cottons the one mate,ive tried every wick possible.dont listen to whit hes being a tit;)lol EDIT,,single wick
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Like the other guy not getting on with it, too much effort for not enough pros, unlike the other guys, my serial number came off during my cleaning process lol, bloody Chinese, in great condition otherwise. Tanks are my thing, tanks that I can vape upside down if ever I decide I want to be batman or move to Australia, looking for taifun, fogger, maybe a kayfun clone, not the rocket, or a dripper?

Give me a fogger with cotton and microcoil, mmmm cotton is the way forward imo

give me a taifun or aqua ;)
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